April 2009 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Apr 1 12:53:01 CEST 2009
Ending: Thu Apr 30 14:59:29 CEST 2009
Messages: 380
- [fpc-pascal] "Generics" Red Black Tree for fpc
Helmut Hartl
- [fpc-pascal] "Generics" Red Black Tree for fpc
Mattias Gaertner
- AW: Re: [fpc-pascal] "Generics" Red Black Tree for fpc
Helmut Hartl
- [fpc-pascal] "Generics" Red Black Tree for fpc
Mattias Gaertner
- AW: Re: [fpc-pascal] "Generics" Red Black Tree for fpc
Helmut Hartl
- [fpc-pascal] Allegro.pas 4.3.0 Alpha released
Guillermo Martínez Jiménez
- [fpc-pascal] ANN: wxForms for Delphi - wxWidgets designer and wrapper for Delphi/Freepascal
Guru Kathiresan
- [fpc-pascal] ANN: wxForms for Delphi - wxWidgets designer and wrapper for Delphi/Freepascal
Graeme Geldenhuys
- AW: [fpc-pascal] ANN: wxForms for Delphi - wxWidgets designer and wrapper for Delphi/Freepascal
Helmut Hartl
- [fpc-pascal] ANN: wxForms for Delphi - wxWidgets designer and wrapper for Delphi/Freepascal
Paul Ishenin
- [fpc-pascal] ANN: wxForms for Delphi - wxWidgets designer andwrapper for Delphi/Freepascal
Guru Kathiresan
- [fpc-pascal] ANN: wxForms for Delphi - wxWidgets designer andwrapper for Delphi/Freepascal
Guru Kathiresan
- [fpc-pascal] ANN: wxForms for Delphi - wxWidgets designer and wrapper for Delphi/Freepascal
Guru Kathiresan
- [fpc-pascal] another pas to js converter
- [fpc-pascal] another pas to js converter
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] another pas to js converter
- [fpc-pascal] another pas to js converter
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] another pas to js converter
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] Apache Modules without LResources
Giovanni Premuda
- [fpc-pascal] Apache Modules without LResources
Joost van der Sluis
- [fpc-pascal] Apache Modules without LResources
Giovanni Premuda
- [fpc-pascal] Apache Modules without LResources
- [fpc-pascal] Apache Modules without LResources
Giovanni Premuda
- [fpc-pascal] Apache Modules without LResources
- [fpc-pascal] Apache Modules without LResources
Joost van der Sluis
- [fpc-pascal] Apache Modules without LResources
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
- [fpc-pascal] Apache Modules without LResources
Giovanni Premuda
- [fpc-pascal] A real programmers website
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] A real programmers website
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] A real programmers website
Doug Chamberlin
- [fpc-pascal] A real programmers website
Oliver Leitner
- [fpc-pascal] A real programmers website
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] A real programmers website
Doug Chamberlin
- [fpc-pascal] A real programmers website
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] ARM / SheevaPlug followup
Joe Donth
- [fpc-pascal] ARM / SheevaPlug followup
Henry Vermaak
- [fpc-pascal] ARM / SheevaPlug followup
Florian Klaempfl
- [fpc-pascal] ARM / SheevaPlug followup
Henry Vermaak
- [fpc-pascal] ARM / SheevaPlug followup
Prince Riley
- [fpc-pascal] ARM / SheevaPlug followup
Henry Vermaak
- [fpc-pascal] ASM code conversion from Delphi
Roland Turcan
- [fpc-pascal] ASM code conversion from Delphi
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] ASM code conversion from Delphi
- [fpc-pascal] Best method for code reuse?
Francisco Reyes
- [fpc-pascal] Best method for code reuse?
Mattias Gaertner
- [fpc-pascal] Best method for code reuse?
Francisco Reyes
- [fpc-pascal] Best method for code reuse?
Mattias Gaertner
- [fpc-pascal] Best method for code reuse?
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] Best method for code reuse?
Richard Ward
- [fpc-pascal] Best method for code reuse?
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] build case-sensetive issue
dmitry boyarintsev
- [fpc-pascal] build case-sensetive issue
Tomas Hajny
- [fpc-pascal] build case-sensetive issue
dmitry boyarintsev
- [fpc-pascal] Can I define a custom "simple" type for my applications?
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] Can I define a custom "simple" type for my applications?
dmitry boyarintsev
- [fpc-pascal] Can I define a custom "simple" type for my applications?
Mattias Gaertner
- [fpc-pascal] Can I define a custom "simple" type for my applications?
dmitry boyarintsev
- [fpc-pascal] Can I define a custom "simple" type for my applications?
dmitry boyarintsev
- [fpc-pascal] Can I define a custom "simple" type for my applications?
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] Can I define a custom "simple" type for my applications?
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] Can I define a custom "simple" type for my applications?
dmitry boyarintsev
- [fpc-pascal] Can I define a custom "simple" type for my applications?
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] Can I define a custom "simple" type for my applications?
dmitry boyarintsev
- [fpc-pascal] Can I define a custom "simple" type for my applications?
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] Can I define a custom "simple" type for my applications?
dmitry boyarintsev
- [fpc-pascal] Can I define a custom "simple" type for my applications?
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Case Sensitivity
Richard Ward
- [fpc-pascal] Case Sensitivity
Francisco Reyes
- [fpc-pascal] Case Sensitivity
"Vinzent Höfler"
- [fpc-pascal] Re: Case Sensitivity / Multiple Names
Richard Ward
- [fpc-pascal] COM interfaces support in FPC 2.2.2 Win64
Eric Grange
- [fpc-pascal] COM interfaces support in FPC 2.2.2 Win64
- [fpc-pascal] COM interfaces support in FPC 2.2.2 Win64
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] COM interfaces support in FPC 2.2.2 Win64
Eric Grange
- [fpc-pascal] COM interfaces support in FPC 2.2.2 Win64
Eric Grange
- [fpc-pascal] Compiler raise an EAbort exception
- [fpc-pascal] Compiler raise an EAbort exception
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Compiler raise an EAbort exception
- [fpc-pascal] Compiler raise an EAbort exception
- [fpc-pascal] Compiler raise an EAbort exception
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] compiling lazarus : custombitmap.inc(293, 49) Error: absolute can only be associated with a var or const
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] compiling lazarus : custombitmap.inc(293, 49) Error: absolute can only be associated with a var or const
Marc Weustink
- [fpc-pascal] compiling lazarus : custombitmap.inc(293, 49) Error: absolute can only be associated with a var or const
- [fpc-pascal] compiling lazarus : custombitmap.inc(293, 49) Error: absolute can only be associated with a var or const
Vincent Snijders
- [fpc-pascal] Constructors & Destructors 101
Richard Ward
- [fpc-pascal] Constructors & Destructors 101
- [fpc-pascal] Constructors & Destructors 101
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Constructors & Destructors 101
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Constructors & Destructors 101
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Constructors & Destructors 101
Flávio Etrusco
- [fpc-pascal] Constructors & Destructors 101
- [fpc-pascal] Re: Constructors & Destructors 101
Richard Ward
- [fpc-pascal] Constructors & Destructors 101
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Constructors & Destructors 101
Doug Chamberlin
- [fpc-pascal] Constructors & Destructors 101
- [fpc-pascal] Constructors & Destructors 101
Nikolay Nikolov
- [fpc-pascal] Contributed units section
Francisco Reyes
- [fpc-pascal] Contributed units section
Michael Schneider
- [fpc-pascal] Corrections and Suggestions for the Docs
Peter W A Wood
- [fpc-pascal] Corrections and Suggestions for the Docs
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Corrections and Suggestions for the Docs
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] Corrections and Suggestions for the Docs
Peter W A Wood
- [fpc-pascal] could not compile lazarus "make[2]: *** [lazarus] Killed"
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] could not compile lazarus "make[2]: *** [lazarus] Killed"
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] could not compile lazarus "make[2]: *** [lazarus] Killed"
Henry Vermaak
- [fpc-pascal] could not compile lazarus "make[2]: *** [lazarus] Killed"
Paul Ishenin
- [fpc-pascal] could not compile lazarus "make[2]: *** [lazarus] Killed"
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] could not compile lazarus "make[2]: *** [lazarus] Killed"
Henry Vermaak
- [fpc-pascal] could not compile lazarus "make[2]: *** [lazarus] Killed"
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] could not compile lazarus "make[2]: *** [lazarus] Killed"
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] could not compile lazarus "make[2]: *** [lazarus] Killed"
Henry Vermaak
- [fpc-pascal] could not compile lazarus "make[2]: *** [lazarus] Killed"
Vincent Snijders
- [fpc-pascal] could not compile lazarus "make[2]: *** [lazarus] Killed"
Vincent Snijders
- [fpc-pascal] could not compile lazarus "make[2]: *** [lazarus] Killed"
Henry Vermaak
- [fpc-pascal] could not compile lazarus "make[2]: *** [lazarus] Killed"
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] Credit Card validation unit
- [fpc-pascal] Credit Card validation unit
Lee Jenkins
- [fpc-pascal] Credit Card validation unit
- [fpc-pascal] C to Pascal convertion. Hex Float.
dmitry boyarintsev
- [fpc-pascal] CTRL-Break and asynchronous exec
Jürgen Hestermann
- [fpc-pascal] CTRL-Break and asynchronous exec
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] CTRL-Break and asynchronous exec
Jürgen Hestermann
- [fpc-pascal] CTRL-Break and asynchronous exec
Tomas Hajny
- [fpc-pascal] dcpcrypt 64-bit?
Seth Grover
- [fpc-pascal] dcpcrypt 64-bit?
German Gentile
- [fpc-pascal] Diego Antonio Lucena Pumar
Diego Antonio Lucena Pumar
- [fpc-pascal] Difference between initialization and begin in a unit
- [fpc-pascal] Difference between initialization and begin in a unit
Mattias Gaertner
- [fpc-pascal] Difference between initialization and begin in a unit
Cox, Stuart TRAN:EX
- [fpc-pascal] Difference between initialization and begin in a unit
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] Difference between initialization and begin in a unit
Mattias Gaertner
- [fpc-pascal] DirectFB for FPC (SVN)
Roland Schaefer
- [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC
- [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC
Henry Vermaak
- [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC
- [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC
- [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC (fyi)
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC (fyi)
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC (fyi)
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] Executing external process that executes another one
- [fpc-pascal] ExtractFilePath(GetModuleName(0)) problem
lloyd thomas
- [fpc-pascal] ExtractFilePath(GetModuleName(0)) problem
lloyd thomas
- [fpc-pascal] ExtractFilePath(GetModuleName(0)) problem
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] ExtractFilePath(GetModuleName(0)) problem
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] ExtractFilePath(GetModuleName(0)) problem
- [fpc-pascal] FlushBuffers of FileStream
Roland Turcan
- [fpc-pascal] FlushBuffers of FileStream
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] FlushBuffers of FileStream
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] fpc-2.2.2.i386-win32 on XP: Can't find unit GL used by ...
- [fpc-pascal] RE: fpc-2.2.2.i386-win32 on XP: Can't find unit GL used by ...
Guillermo Martínez Jiménez
- [fpc-pascal] fpc-2.2.2.i386-win32 on XP: Can't find unit GL used by ... (2)
- [fpc-pascal] fpc-2.2.2.i386-win32 on XP: Can't find unit GL used by ... (2)
- [fpc-pascal] fpc-2.2.2.i386-win32 on XP: Can't find unit GL used by ... (2)
- [fpc-pascal] fpc-2.2.4.i386-win32 - Pixel format necessary capabilities
- [fpc-pascal] fpc-2.2.4.i386-win32 - Pixel format necessary capabilities
Jonas Maebe
- fpc-2.3.x abbort compiling at gtk2.pas (was : [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC )
Benedikt Schindler
- fpc-2.3.x abbort compiling at gtk2.pas (was : [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC )
Jonas Maebe
- fpc-2.3.x abbort compiling at gtk2.pas (was : [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC )
Henry Vermaak
- fpc-2.3.x abbort compiling at gtk2.pas (was : [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC )
Benedikt Schindler
- fpc-2.3.x abbort compiling at gtk2.pas (was : [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC )
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] FPC / ARM / SheevaPort
Joe Donth
- [fpc-pascal] FPC : MacMode more info
Pierre Paré
- [fpc-pascal] FPC : MacMode more info
Joost van der Sluis
- [fpc-pascal] FPC : MacMode more info
Tomas Hajny
- [fpc-pascal] Re: FPC is now runing on the Freerunner
Benedikt Schindler
- FPC is now runing on the Freerunner (was: Re: [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC)
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Vincent Snijders
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Florian Klaempfl
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Vincent Snijders
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Henry Vermaak
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Paul Ishenin
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Vincent Snijders
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit source repository migrated to Git
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake custom options
Mattias Gärtner
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake custom options
Mattias Gärtner
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake custom options
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake custom options
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake custom options
Mattias Gärtner
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake custom options
Vincent Snijders
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake custom options
Mattias Gärtner
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake custom options
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake dependencies
Mattias Gärtner
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake dependencies
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake dependencies
Mattias Gärtner
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake dependencies
Mattias Gärtner
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake dependencies
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake dependencies
Mattias Gärtner
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake dependencies
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake dependencies
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake dependencies
Mattias Gärtner
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake dependencies
Peter Vreman
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake dependencies
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake dependencies
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake dependencies
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake unit output directory
Mattias Gärtner
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake unit output directory
Mattias Gärtner
- [fpc-pascal] fpmake unit output directory
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] Free Pascal version 2.2.4 released
Joost van der Sluis
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
philippe.martinole at teleauto.org
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Tomas Hajny
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Philippe Martinole
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Frank Peelo
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Mattias Gärtner
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Osvaldo Filho
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Marc Santhoff
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Philippe Martinole
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Michael Fuchs
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Osvaldo Filho
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Johann Glaser
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
- [fpc-pascal] Generating code form xmi files
Johann Glaser
- [fpc-pascal] Getmem -> Move -> Freemem
Guillermo Martínez Jiménez
- [fpc-pascal] Getmem -> Move -> Freemem
Guillermo Martínez Jiménez
- [fpc-pascal] Getmem -> Move -> Freemem
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] RE: Getmem -> Move -> Freemem
Guillermo Martínez Jiménez
- [fpc-pascal] RE: Getmem -> Move -> Freemem
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] getting system time in linux
Rainer Stratmann
- [fpc-pascal] getting system time in linux
Jan De Bleser
- [fpc-pascal] getting system time in linux
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] getting system time in linux
Jan De Bleser
- [fpc-pascal] getting system time in linux
Jan De Bleser
- [fpc-pascal] Greetings
Nino Luciani
- [fpc-pascal] Greetings
Doug Chamberlin
- [fpc-pascal] Greetings
Lou James
- [fpc-pascal] Greetings
fpclist at silvermono.co.za
- [fpc-pascal] Greetings
Tomas Hajny
- [fpc-pascal] Halting program without mem leaks
- [fpc-pascal] Halting program without mem leaks
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] Halting program without mem leaks
Vincent Snijders
- [fpc-pascal] How I can install FPC IDE in MacOS
Adam Pahlevi
- [fpc-pascal] Re: How I can install FPC IDE in MacOS
Richard Ward
- [fpc-pascal] Re: How I can install FPC IDE in MacOS
Schindler Karl-Michael
- [fpc-pascal] How I can install FPC IDE in MacOS
Travis Siegel
- [fpc-pascal] How I can install FPC IDE in MacOS
Schindler Karl-Michael
- [fpc-pascal] How I can install FPC IDE in MacOS
Mattias Gaertner
- [fpc-pascal] How to use fpcmake
Guillermo Martínez Jiménez
- [fpc-pascal] How to use fpcmake
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] How to use fpcmake
Joost van der Sluis
- [fpc-pascal] How to use fpcmake
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] Re: How to use fpcmake
Guillermo Martínez Jiménez
- [fpc-pascal] Re: How to use fpcmake
Guillermo Martínez Jiménez
- [fpc-pascal] Re: How to use fpcmake
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] Re: How to use fpcmake
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] Re: How to use fpcmake
Henry Vermaak
- [fpc-pascal] httpdefs.pp multipart/form-data
Leonardo M. Ramé
- [fpc-pascal] httpdefs.pp multipart/form-data
- [fpc-pascal] Interface reference counting
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
- [fpc-pascal] Interface reference counting
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] Interface reference counting
dmitry boyarintsev
- [fpc-pascal] Linking issue in Ubuntu 9.04 (32 bit)
Alan Krause
- [fpc-pascal] Linking issue in Ubuntu 9.04 (32 bit)
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Linking issue in Ubuntu 9.04 (32 bit)
Prince Riley
- [fpc-pascal] Linking issue in Ubuntu 9.04 (32 bit)
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Linking issue in Ubuntu 9.04 (32 bit)
Prince Riley
- [fpc-pascal] Linking issue in Ubuntu 9.04 (32 bit)
Alan Krause
- [fpc-pascal] Linking issue in Ubuntu 9.04 (32 bit)
Prince Riley
- [fpc-pascal] Linking issue in Ubuntu 9.04 (32 bit)
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] Linking issue in Ubuntu 9.04 (32 bit)
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] locale solution for unix systems
- [fpc-pascal] LTR or RTL info from users locale settings?
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] LTR or RTL info from users locale settings?
- [fpc-pascal] LTR or RTL info from users locale settings?
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] LTR or RTL info from users locale settings?
- [fpc-pascal] Re: MacMode More Info / Beginning Mac Dev
Richard Ward
- [fpc-pascal] Re: MacMode More Info / which compatibility mode and object class type to use with Mac OS X, XCode and Carbon
Pierre Paré
- [fpc-pascal] Re: MacMode More Info / which compatibility mode and object class type to use with Mac OS X, XCode and Carbon
Tomas Hajny
- [fpc-pascal] Re: MacMode More Info / which compatibility mode and object class type to use with Mac OS X, XCode and Carbon
Richard Ward
- [fpc-pascal] mailing list archive
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] Memory Size
Markus Glugla
- [fpc-pascal] Memory Size
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Memory Size
Markus Glugla
- [fpc-pascal] Memory Size
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] Memory Size
Markus Glugla
- [fpc-pascal] Memory Size
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Memory Size
Markus Glugla
- [fpc-pascal] Re: modifying system.pp's InstallSignals
Seth Grover
- [fpc-pascal] MSEide+MSEgui version 2.0a
Martin Schreiber
- [fpc-pascal] now i have a very strange behaviour of my arm compiler
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] now i have a very strange behaviour of my arm compiler
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] now i have a very strange behaviour of my arm compiler
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] now i have a very strange behaviour of my arm compiler
Benedikt Schindler
- [fpc-pascal] now i have a very strange behaviour of my arm compiler
Henry Vermaak
- [fpc-pascal] oCRT and ncurses in openSuSE 11.0 (32-Bit)
Rainer Hantsch
- [fpc-pascal] oCRT and ncurses in openSuSE 11.0 (32-Bit)
Rainer Hantsch
- [fpc-pascal] OLE Automation
Thomas Nelson
- [fpc-pascal] OLE Automation
- [fpc-pascal] OpenCL, Re: C Hex Float.
dmitry boyarintsev
- [fpc-pascal] OpenCL, Re: C Hex Float.
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] OpenCL, Re: C Hex Float.
dmitry boyarintsev
- [fpc-pascal] Opinion about new target: Windows Native NT
Sven Barth
- [fpc-pascal] Opinion about new target: Windows Native NT
Florian Klaempfl
- [fpc-pascal] Opinion about new target: Windows Native NT
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] Opinion about new target: Windows Native NT
Sven Barth
- [fpc-pascal] PasJS: Ext-Core v3 as the RTL
- [fpc-pascal] program interpreter for arm eabi is wrong
Terry Kemp
- [fpc-pascal] qprof
Mattias Gaertner
- [fpc-pascal] qprof
Mattias Gaertner
- [fpc-pascal] RECORD alignment issue on Mac OS X intel based
Roland Turcan
- [fpc-pascal] RECORD alignment issue on Mac OS X intel based
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Remove unused functions in a class
- [fpc-pascal] Remove unused functions in a class
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Remove unused functions in a class
- [fpc-pascal] Remove unused functions in a class
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Remove unused functions in a class
- [fpc-pascal] Remove unused functions in a class
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Remove unused functions in a class
- [fpc-pascal] Re: Return & Exit
Richard Ward
- [fpc-pascal] Return Statement
Richard Ward
- [fpc-pascal] Return Statement
Mattias Gaertner
- [fpc-pascal] Sample unit code
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] Sample unit code
Francisco Reyes
- [fpc-pascal] Sample unit code
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] Sample unit code
Francisco Reyes
- [fpc-pascal] Sample unit code
Francisco Reyes
- [fpc-pascal] Sample unit code
Mattias Gaertner
- [fpc-pascal] Sample unit code
Pete Cervasio
- [fpc-pascal] semaphores?
Seth Grover
- [fpc-pascal] semaphores?
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] semaphores?
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] semaphores?
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [fpc-pascal] semaphores?
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] semaphores?
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] semaphores?
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] semaphores?
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] semaphores?
Marco van de Voort
- [fpc-pascal] semaphores?
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] sockets client server programming
Rainer Stratmann
- [fpc-pascal] sockets client server programming
Jürgen Hestermann
- [fpc-pascal] sockets client server programming
Rainer Stratmann
- [fpc-pascal] Syntax problem with first unit
Francisco Reyes
- [fpc-pascal] Syntax problem with first unit
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- [fpc-pascal] Syntax problem with first unit
Francisco Reyes
- [fpc-pascal] Syntax problem with first unit
Michael Van Canneyt
- [fpc-pascal] Syntax problem with first unit
Tomas Hajny
- [fpc-pascal] Syntax problem with first unit
David W Noon
- [fpc-pascal] Syntax problem with first unit
Francisco Reyes
- [fpc-pascal] Syntax problem with first unit
Francisco Reyes
- [fpc-pascal] Syntax problem with first unit
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- [fpc-pascal] Syntax problem with first unit
Tomas Hajny
- [fpc-pascal] TList: newbie question
- [fpc-pascal] TList: newbie question
Paul Nicholls
- [fpc-pascal] Trying to cross compile to arm-linux and have the following error message: Makefile:186: *** The Makefile doesn't support target x86_64-linux, please run fpcmake first. Stop.
- [fpc-pascal] Trying to cross compile to arm-linux and have the following error message: Makefile:186: *** The Makefile doesn't support target x86_64-linux, please run fpcmake first. Stop.
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Trying to cross compile to arm-linux and have the following error message: Makefile:186: *** The Makefile doesn't support target x86_64-linux, please run fpcmake first. Stop.
- [fpc-pascal] Trying to cross compile to arm-linux and have the following error message: Makefile:186: *** The Makefile doesn't support target x86_64-linux, please run fpcmake first. Stop.
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Trying to cross compile to arm-linux and have the following error message: Makefile:186: *** The Makefile doesn't support target x86_64-linux, please run fpcmake first. Stop.
- [fpc-pascal] Trying to cross compile to arm-linux and have the following error message: Makefile:186: *** The Makefile doesn't support target x86_64-linux, please run fpcmake first. Stop.
Vincent Snijders
- [fpc-pascal] Typed Constants vs. Variables
Richard Ward
- [fpc-pascal] Typed Constants vs. Variables
Francisco Reyes
- [fpc-pascal] Typed Constants vs. Variables
- [fpc-pascal] Typed Constants vs. Variables
Jonas Maebe
- [fpc-pascal] Typed Constants vs. Variables
Richard Ward
- [fpc-pascal] Widestring endianness
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
- [fpc-pascal] Widestring endianness
Jonas Maebe
Last message date:
Thu Apr 30 14:59:29 CEST 2009
Archived on: Tue Jun 11 14:34:33 CEST 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).