[fpc-pascal] Linking issue in Ubuntu 9.04 (32 bit)

Alan Krause alank at shermanloan.com
Sat Apr 25 00:09:16 CEST 2009


It does indeed ship with 2.19.1. I've had this same problem in the past, and
have had to stick with ubuntu 8.04 for my development box due to this

Prince - if you execute fpc with the verbose option (-va), it actually
displays the search for a linker to use, which in my instance is found in
/usr/bin/ld and listed as "found".


On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Jonas Maebe <jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be>wrote:

> On 24 Apr 2009, at 23:28, Prince Riley wrote:
>  Sorry to but in, but I read this post and followed the link to the
>> binutils
>> problem you mentioned in your reply.
>> Is it possible the error message, "Can't call the linker,..." is the
>> result
>> of a bad/missing symlink and not the problem in binutils?
> It's indeed a generic error message. To see what really happens, you have
> to compile with the "-Cn" command line parameter and then execute the
> generated ./ppas.sh script.
> The problem is most likely the fact that ld crashes though, as I'm pretty
> sure that Ubuntu 9.04 ships with binutils 2.19.x
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