fpc-2.3.x abbort compiling at gtk2.pas (was : [fpc-pascal] EABI problems with FPC )

Benedikt Schindler BeniSchindler at gmx.de
Tue Apr 7 13:16:59 CEST 2009

Henry Vermaak schrieb:
> 2009/4/7 Benedikt Schindler <BeniSchindler at gmx.de>:
> [...]
> any reason why you are trying to build fpc natively?  this wastes a
> lot of time.  you can just use the openmoko toolchain and cross
> compile everything.
> henry
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because all things i tryed to crosscompile ended up in a "illegal 
instruction" message.( Or in no messages at all. ) 
so i wanted to see what happens when i try to compile the fpc on the device.


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