[fpc-pascal] Diego Antonio Lucena Pumar

Diego Antonio Lucena Pumar diego.lucena.pumar at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 23:22:01 CEST 2009

Estimated programmers:

What is the diferent between the art and hand made program?
In my opinion don't have diferent. The code is poetry, this the expresion of 
new problematic existencially. What is really problem? I think than the 
problem resist on properly idea, or concept about supose the act of 
programmer. When I write a program translate my state, if I very nervous 
asked code, and never feel anything. In change, when work amparate in the 
world of ideas, the expresion of my code is obviously poetry. Form 
existencilly to expresionist, the code speak about this art, the art of 
programmer. So, what is my problem? We surrender to the enterprise. I think 
that is the moment, the moment to separate informatic to computer science, 
the science esencially can life independent to the industry. Whose teorem, 
coloralys and the rest to compain the science of calculus compunting. I trate 
to chage my reallity, and demostrate that programmig is the tool of science.

Sincerily, i wait that there coming to change your conception about computer 

Bad enterprise forever. Diego Antonio Lucena Pumar.

P.D. Sorry for my english, is very poor.

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