[fpc-pascal] Re: FPC is now runing on the Freerunner

Benedikt Schindler BeniSchindler at gmx.de
Wed Apr 8 15:25:04 CEST 2009

I crosssompiled it with the options i wrote in my previous mail.

make clean all OS_TARGET=linux CPU_TARGET=arm 
FPC=/usr/bin/ppc386 NOGDB=1

After that , the ppcarm is working.

But if you try to compile a helloworld.pas; you get your well known 
eabi-Error message.
So i used the working ppcarm to compile the whole FPC on the freerunner. 
(It just needs 2hours ;) )
But now i didn't need the crosscompile params, so i just used these options:

make clean all OPT="-dFPC_ARMEL -O- -dFPC_ABI_EABI" 

now we have a working version, but the "make install" fails.  (output : 
"./install : Error permission denied ")
So i copied all compiled data back on my i386 computer.
i copied from the previous crosscompiling the ppcrossarm into the 
"fpcsrc/compiler/" directory.
And run the installation routine on the i386 machine.

make install PP=/opt/armlinux/fpcbuild/fpcsrc/compiler/ppcrossarm 
PREFIX=/usr/local/fpc-2.3.x-arm OS_TARGET=linux CPU_TARGET=arm 

now we have a "small" folder we could just push back on the freerunner. 
(thats where the tar-files are comming in )
after that, we just need the final configuration steps.

and here we are, we could compile our heloworld.pas

....  that means, if you confirm that it also works by you ....


ik schrieb:
> Great !
> How exactly did you build FPC ?
> Is the exactly like the last instruction that you made, or you have 
> changed something (or changed something in the source code) ?
> Thanks
> Ido
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Benedikt Schindler 
> <BeniSchindler at gmx.de <mailto:BeniSchindler at gmx.de>> wrote:
>     hi,
>     i don't know if you still wonna install a full fpc on your freerunner.
>     but if it is so, you could download a working version from this
>     place :
>     http://www.my-distribution.org/files/fpc-2.3.x-arm-20090319.tar.gz
>         (all files in a subdirectory called "fpc-2.3.x-arm" )
>     http://www.my-distribution.org/files/fpc-2.3.x-arm-20090319-nodir.tar.gz
>      (all files without subdirectory for installing in /usr/local/)
>     cu
>     Beni
>     ---------------------------------------
>     installattion in /usr/locoal
>     ----------------------------------------
>     cd /usr/local
>     wget
>     http://www.my-distribution.org/files/fpc-2.3.x-arm-20090319-nodir.tar.gz
>     tar -xvzf  fpc-2.3.x-arm-20090319-nodir.tar.gz
>     ln -s /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.3.1/ppcarm /usr/local/bin/ppcarm
>     /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.3.1/samplecfg  /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.3.1 /etc
>     ---------------------------------------
>     Installation in subfolder /usr/local/fpc-2.3.x-arm/
>     ----------------------------------------
>     cd /usr/local
>     wget
>     http://www.my-distribution.org/files/fpc-2.3.x-arm-20090319.tar.gz
>     tar -xvzf  fpc-2.3.x-arm-20090319.tar.gz
>     ln -s /usr/local/fpc-2.3.x-arm/lib/fpc/2.3.1/ppcarm
>     /usr/local/bin/ppcarm
>     /usr/local/fpc-2.3.x-arm/lib/fpc/2.3.1/samplecfg
>      /usr/local/fpc-2.3.x-arm/lib/fpc/2.3.1 /etc
>     [...]

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