[fpc-devel] Is target mips-embedded possible / planned?
Paul Breneman
Paul2006 at BrenemanLabs.com
Thu May 16 23:37:36 CEST 2013
Michael Ring wrote:
> I finished first tests on memory read performance fot jtag probes/pic32,
> all on my Mac except the raspberry test:
> Olimex TINY-H with openocd: 120 Seconds for 32k of data
> Olimex TINY-H with ejtagproxy: 10 Seconds for 1k of data, I did not have
> the patience to wait for the transfer of 32k ;-)
> Raspberry PI with openocd in gpiomode: 50 Seconds for 32k of data
> J-Link Edu with openocd: 30 Seconds for 32k of data
> mikroProg from Mikro-E: approx. 8 Seconds for 32k (but no gdbserver and
> ICD Protocol on windows, only for reference)
> ST-Link2: not yet tested.
> pickit3 on ejtagproxy: not yet tested
> I had high hopes for the Raspberry Pi solution because there's no USB
> transfer involved, sniff.....
> J-Link performance is not stellar, but will be good enough for me right
> now.
> If anybody has better results, please feel free to share on how you were
> able to get better performance.
> Michael
> Am 16.05.13 09:55, schrieb Michael Ring:
>> Nice find, question is why did I not find this link ;-)
>> I etched some testboards yesterday and connected them to my
>> ARM-USB-TINY, openocd detects the chip just fine but Michel was right,
>> flash read performance is a mess, it took two minutes to read out the
>> 32k flash of my pic32mx220 chip, that's pretty slow. I will check if a
>> j-link or st-link work better, but I do not have high hopes.
>> But perhaps the ejtagproxy or pic32prog can solve this problem, will
>> keep you posted.
>> Michael
>> Am 16.05.13 08:53, schrieb Michael Schnell:
>>> On 05/15/2013 12:11 PM, Michael Ring wrote:
>>>> If you find the time to find out how to actually start up & use
>>>> their gdbserver I will be more than happy to integrate it into
>>>> lazarus, right now I take what I can get and that seems to be openocd.
>>> Maybe this helps....
>>> http://olimex.wordpress.com/2012/07/23/ejtagproxy-opwn-source-gdb-interface-for-pic32-and-mips/
>>> "EJTAGproxy open source GDB interface for PIC32 and MIPS"
>>> They say "PIC-KIT3 <https://www.olimex.com/dev/pic-kit3.html> (ICSP)
>>> andARM-USB-TINY <https://www.olimex.com/dev/arm-usb-tiny.html>(JTAG)
>>> interfaces are supported."
>>> -Michael
You might want to try the new BeagleBone Black as it might be better for
real-time machine control (and boots up in a more standard way) than the
Raspberry Pi? A friend of mine put together a lot of this page:
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