[Pas2js] pas2js node

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Tue Oct 3 16:21:08 CEST 2023

On Tue, 3 Oct 2023, Peter via Pas2js wrote:

> Hi guys,
> is it possible to build a websocket server with pas2js and the node modules?

Yes, it is.

Node does not have websockets built-in, so you may need to use a third-party
library such as "ws" if you don't want to write the socket server from

We don't provide a unit that describes the ws library, but using dts2pas you
should be able to create the unit, since there is a typescript module
description available in the DefinitelyTyped repo.

See the following article, it describes how to go about it:


If you need help, feel free to mail me.


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