[fpc-pascal] Can't build single package

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at hajny.biz
Wed Nov 2 15:54:52 CET 2022

On 2022-11-02 15:25, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal wrote:
> El 2/11/22 a les 9:37, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:
>> IIRC I did it in the past but now:
>> D:\fpc-3.2.2\packages\fcl-web>make
>> C:/FPC/3.2.2/bin/i386-Win32/ppc386.exe fpmake.pp -n -Fu../../rtl 
>> -Fu../../packages/paszlib -Fu../../packages/fcl-process 
>> -Fu../../packages/hash -Fu../../packages/libtar 
>> -Fu../../packages/fpmkunit/units_bs/i386-win32
>> Fatal: Can't find unit system used by fpmake
>> Fatal: Compilation aborted
>> make: *** [fpmake.exe] Error 1
> OK, the problem is that I installed the compiler with the windows
> installer and the makefile expects it to be in its tree (hence the
> "-n" and the "-Fu" options).
> Is there something I can do (other than building and installing the
> compiler from the source tree)?

This is not matter of the compiler location (the current directory is 
the location where you started make.exe). However, you are supposed to 
have the packages sources together with the rtl sources. The location 
where you start make seems to be the directory of compiled fcl-web 
package rather than the directory with the respective sources. Did you 
copy the fcl-web sources there manually?


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