[fpc-pascal] Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: RE : FPCUp FPC/Lazarus installer/updater: first Linux/Windows version released

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 10:58:51 CET 2012

On 11-2-2012 10:30, Ludo Brands wrote:
>> #!/bin/sh
>> ~/wherever/we/installed/fpc -n 
>> @~/wherever/we/installed/fpc.cfg $* which should instruct our 
>> fpc to ignore any other fpc.cfg, use our own, and get any 
>> other arguments passed to the script.
>> Then assign this script as the compiler in Lazarus?!?!
> The script still picks up 2.4.4 but the idea is good. This works:
> #!/bin/sh
> ~/wherever/we/installed/compiler/ppc386 -n @~/wherever/we/installed/fpc.cfg
> $* 
> It picks up the right compiler but there is still a problem though: fpc.cfg
> includes the units searchpath ~/wherever/we/installed/units/$fpctarget but
> make install INSTALL_PREFIX=blah installs in
> blah/lib/fpc/$fpcversion/units/$fpctarget. Running 'fpcmkcfg -d
> basepath=~/wherever/we/installed/lib/fpc/2.6.1 ...' solves this.
> Unfortunately 'basepath=~/wherever/we/installed/lib/fpc/$fpcversion' doesn't
> work. Lazarus seems to be perfectly happy with the script (I installed it in
> the fpc/bin directory)

Ok, I've added this to my todo list
In the meantime, patches welcome :)

> One other problem: the debugger is configured as gdb which is not working.
> Lazarus looks for a gdb in the current directory (whatever that is), not in
> the path. Using the output of 'which gdb' would be the easiest solution on
> linux to set up the default gdb.
Agreed, added to todo list. On Windows, I think the path where make.exe
is installed should also give an installed gdb.

> Regarding side by side installations, wouldn't it be better to store the
> lazarus config in a subdir of the lazarus install? A fixed directory makes
> side by side installation of lazarus very difficult.
You mean a --primary-config path underneath the lazarus application
directory? Could be done in principle.

Then again, current fpcup does not have a fixed primary-config-path,
merely a default one.

I intended to leave the fpc and lazarus svn directories alone as much as
possible so a user could delete everything and do a new checkout
whenever he wants without touching config files.

I realize storing fpcup config files (e.g. SVN urls, etc) in the lazarus
and/or fpc svn dirs may not be desirable - if we follow that strategy.

An alternative could be to use an fpcup config file stored wherever
config files are stored on the os (forgot the function in FPC).
Then use a default profile and allow the user to add profiles (e.g.
using --saveasprofile=bla).
User can invoke with --profile=bla.
This will allow the GUI to also easily retrieve a list of side-by-side


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