[fpc-pascal] DirectFB for FPC beta tarball

Henry Vermaak henry.vermaak at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 17:35:06 CEST 2009

2009/6/1 Paul Ishenin <webpirat at mail.ru>:
> Try to think whether lazarus need 10 widgetsets 30% ready or 3 widgetsets
> 100% ready? I would choose last.

depends on the application.  if i have an embedded board that can't
run your 100% completed widget sets because they're too heavy, it's of
no use to me.  if there's a directfb interface and it's only 30%
ready, i can at least extend it and improve it, while if it doesn't
exist, i'll just ditch lazarus and use something else.


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