[fpc-pascal] XMLRPC in FPC

syraxes at googlemail.com syraxes at googlemail.com
Mon Apr 14 08:30:08 CEST 2008

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 02:07:15PM +0100, Inoussa OUEDRAOGO wrote:
> >  I might be mistaken, but WST seems to be geared towards SOAP
> >  web services   and XMLRPC seems to be a later adition.
> WST _does support_ XMLRPC, rigth now.
> >  Does anyone happen to know about other Pascal libraries that are implementing
> >  only XMLRPC ,   without the need to use WSDL or other  complications ?
> What do you find complicated in WST ?

The fact that I'd have to understand what is and how to use
WSDL, and then run some tools that generate a lot of code
based on WSDL.  The code listed in the wiki page seems to be
quite verbose and scary  compared to what it takes to (manually) 
write in Python  or even in C++ with the xmlrpc++ library. 

Please see this xmlrpc++ example :

And this Python example:

Is it possible to write pascal code (using WST) that is
similar to the xmlrpc++ example ?  My impression is that 
coding with WST is way more complex than that . And my
learning time is limited : 
The project I'm involved in will be written in C++, but I was
thinking to use some pascal programs for testing and maybe
create a partially working prototype. 

Maybe I am misunderstanding what it takes to write a XMLRPC
client  and a server with 1-2 methods with WST? Maybe the
wiki page has scared me too soon ?   I'd be happy to be wrong
about this . 

Adrian Maier

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