[fpc-pascal] fpcUnit todo list

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 09:34:01 CET 2006


As requested.  Here goes...

Let me know what you think of Item 1?  If you wanted to start with any
of these, Item 1 would be good. :-)

            Item 1
I have an idea on improving the console runner output.  Running the
app as show below, it always defaults to xml output, which gives you a
strange undesired result when combine with other parameters.  What if
we change the default output (when no --format has been specified) to
just print a summary when the tests are complete.

That way if specify the params '-a -p' we will get

Example 1:
> ./fpcunitTextM2 -a -p
Number of run tests: 20
Number of errors:    0
Number of failures:  0

And if we specify the params '-a -p --file=results.xml' we will get

Example 2:
> ./fpcunitTextM2 -a -p --file=results.xml
Number of run tests: 20
Number of errors:    0
Number of failures:  0

The default  --format= was applied because the --file= triggered it.
So xml output will appear in the results.xml file and the above output
to the console window.

And if we specify the params '-a -p --format=plain' we will get

Example 3:
> ./fpcunitTextM2 -a -p --format=plain
Test: TTestSlideParser.IsTest
Test: TTestSlideParser.CreateSlide
Test: TTestSlideParser.ReferenceNumber

Number of run tests: 20
Number of errors:    0
Number of failures:  0

...because the  --format was applied it overrides the -p parameter and
just ouputs the --format specified to the console window.  No '.' are
printed between every 'Test:...' line.

And if we specify the params '-a -p --format=plain --file=results.xml'
we will get

Example 4:
> ./fpcunitTextM2 -a -p --format=plain --file=results.xml
Number of run tests: 20
Number of errors:    0
Number of failures:  0

...because the  --file=  was specified, the -p parameter is active
again (unlike example 3) and outputs the progress and summary to the
console and the test results to the results.xml file.

And the last one, if we specify the params '-a' we will get

Example 4:
> ./fpcunitTextM2 -a
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="results.xsl"?>
 <!-- Generated using FPCUnit on 2006-10-26 11:11:18-->

As normal.  No '.' are printed, and the to default --format= output is
applied and printed to the console window. Or should be instead only
print the summary?

----------  Current undesired output  -----------------------

> ./fpcunitTextM2 -a -p
....................<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="results.xsl"?>
 <!-- Generated using FPCUnit on 2006-10-26 10:48:41-->

-----------  END  ----------------------

            Item 2

DUnit interface compatability needs updating...  I created a few more,
just haven't submitted a patch yet.

            Item 3

In Windows using the GUI Test Runner.  If you RMC (Right Mouse Click)
in the treeview you get a error:  List index (3) out of bounds.
This does not occur in Linux.

            Item 4

Hierarchy view for test listing in XML.  The XSLT file needs to be
modified to support this.  The XSLT files for Summary (used for
emails) and Full (used for html pages) reporting needs to be submitted
to SubVersion.

I can't remember the others... the list is at home somewhere.

  - Graeme -

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