[fpc-pascal] FPC on NetBSD (i386)

Adrian Maier adrian.maier at gmail.com
Sun Apr 23 19:44:43 CEST 2006

On 4/23/06, Jonas Maebe <jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be> wrote:
> On 22 Apr 2006, at 21:23, Adrian Maier wrote:
> > Yes.  the compiler is 1.0.10
> Does "make info" also show this?

Yes, it does. I've included the full output of 'gmake info' at the
end of the email.
Why do you suspect that the compiler version is not well detected?
(the only compiler i have is 1.0.10 anyway ... )

> > When compiling the unit
> > -  Strings ,  the error says that SIZEINT is not defined.
> > -  BaseUnix , the error says that TSTATFS is not defined.
> >
> > I've determined that SizeInt is defined in rtl/inc/systemh.inc ,
> > which is
> > included in rtl/unix/sysunixh.inc.  And sysunixh.inc is included in
> > bsd/system.pp .
> > I'm not sure what can be done to compile the Strings unit  ?
> > ( maybe I should somehow tell the compiler to use the newly compiled
> > sysbsd.ppu ,
> So now it is properly compiling sysbsd and not system?

Yes,  it's compiling the sysbsd unit now that I've replaced the netbsd Makefile
and Makefile.fpc with those copied from freebsd.

> > and not the system unit that came with fpc 1.0.10 ? )
> If you just run gmake in the netbsd directory, the compiler should
> automatically use the newly compiled system unit. But there seems to
> be something fishy with your gmake, given that it's omitting command
> line parameters and not detecting the compiler version number
> correctly. Which version of gmake is it? Maybe using the -d or -p
> options of gmake may shed some light on what it's detecting and doing.

$ gmake --version
GNU Make 3.80

One more thing:    when compiling rtl/inc/ctypes.pp , it was unable to
find the unit UNIXTYPE. And i had to add to fpc.conf:
So,  it seems to me that it is not finding automagically all the newly
compiled units.

gmake -d and -p   generate a lot of output. I'm not sure what to look

Adrian Maier

gmake info output:

== Package info ==
Package Name..... rtl
Package Version.. 2.0.0

== Configuration info ==

FPC.......... /usr/local/bin/ppc386
FPC Version.. 1.0.10
Source CPU... i386
Target CPU... i386
Source OS.... netbsd
Target OS.... netbsd
Full Source.. i386-netbsd
Full Target.. i386-netbsd

== Directory info ==

Required pkgs... rtl

Basedir......... /data/fpc/2.0.0/release_2_0_0/rtl
FPCDir.......... ..
PackagesDir..... .. ../packages/base ../packages/extra

GCC library.....
Other library...

== Tools info ==

As........ as
Ld........ ld
Ar........ ar
Rc........ rc

Mv........ /bin/mv
Cp........ /bin/cp
Rm........ /bin/rm
GInstall.. /usr/bin/install
Echo...... /bin/echo
Shell..... /bin/sh
Date...... /bin/date
FPCMake... /usr/local/bin/fpcmake
PPUMove... /usr/local/bin/ppumove
Zip....... /usr/pkg/bin/zip

== Object info ==

Target Loaders........
Target Units..........
Target Implicit Units.
Target Programs.......
Target Dirs........... netbsd
Target Examples.......
Target ExampleDirs....

Clean Units.........
Clean Files.........

Install Units.......
Install Files.......

== Install info ==

DateStr.............. 20060423
ZipSuffix............ netbsd
Install FPC Package.. y

Install base dir..... /usr/local/lib/fpc/1.0.10
Install binary dir... /usr/local/bin
Install library dir.. /usr/local/lib
Install units dir.... /usr/local/lib/fpc/1.0.10/units/netbsd/rtl
Install source dir... /usr/local/src/fpc-1.0.10/rtl
Install doc dir...... /usr/local/doc/fpc-1.0.10/rtl
Install example dir.. /usr/local/doc/fpc-1.0.10/examples/rtl
Install data dir..... /usr/local/lib/fpc/1.0.10

Dist destination dir. /data/fpc/2.0.0/release_2_0_0/rtl
Dist zip name........

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