[fpc-pascal] FPC and Lazarus as a main RAD tool?

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Tue Apr 18 21:20:39 CEST 2006

On 4/18/06, Sasa Zeman <public at szutils.net> wrote:
> > Please do not come all the way here just to tell us that Lazarus is
> > not suitable as a RAD tool. This is typical Troll behavior.
> You people are really odd... Please do not mis-interprete.

Then, what was your objective in starting this thread??

This thread almost certainly won't give any contribution to improve
Lazarus or Free Pascal.

You cannot just come here, say: Ah, Delphi is better. What will happen
to a post like this?? People will start defending Free Pascal, other
criticising it and this is where the post will become a typical troll

If you really want to make Free Pascal / Lazarus better you should go
with specific topics, and discuss what would be a solution to improve
each small parts where you consider Delphi to be better then Lazarus.

For this *you need to be willing to help!!!*

On Open Source the developer is King. You cannot just come here and
expect that your priorities are the priorities of the developers.
There just are not.

If you do not want to use your time to study specific technical
details or submit patches then one of the things bellow might happen:

* You won't help

* You can pay someone else to do this work for you

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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