[fpc-pascal].ppu and .o files

Alan Mead cubrewer at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 3 15:39:00 CEST 2003

The .ppu are compiled units.  You probably want to keep them hanging
around, but it's not neccessary.  If you delete them, the compiler
simply needs to re-compile all the units each time you compile.  If
you leave them, I think it will only compile the changed units and
the main program. 

I think the .o files can be deleted.


--- Andy Sy <andy at nospam.com> wrote:
> Upon compiling the freepascal compiler from cvs, I noticed a lot of
> .o and .ppu files generated in addition to the final executable.
> What is the difference between .o and .ppu files and can I delete
> them
> both to eliminate the clutter?

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