[Re: [[fpc-pascal]Intel ASM syntax problem]]

Vit Kavan vit.kavan at usa.net
Mon Jun 25 17:46:34 CEST 2001

Sorry, I'm silly "ControlBlk25" is a typedef, so ignore my msg

Vit Kavan <vit.kavan at usa.net> wrote:
1. word ptr is useless
2. I don't understand what is "bx" good for
3. mov ControlBlk25.StartSector,eax; should do the job

Aitor Santamaria Merino <aitor.sm at terra.es> wrote:
Hi all,

I am trying to compile this (which compiles under TP): (using asm and
{$ASMMODE Intel}):

(66) mov word ptr ds:ControlBlk25[bx].StartSector,ax
(67) mov word ptr ds:ControlBlk25[bx].StartSector[2],ax

 ControlBlk25  = record   { control block for INT 25 extended call }
   StartSector : LongInt; { start sector to read }
   Count       : Word;    { number of sectors to read }
   BufferOffs  : Word;    { data buffer offset }
   BufferSeg   : Word;    { data buffer segment }

The problem appears when it reaches the [bx]:
drvscan.pp(66,18) Fatal: Syntax error, [ expected but identifier found

Any alternative/correction?


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