[fpc-pascal]More BeOS fun..

Ramon Bosque ramon.bosque at qi.ub.es
Wed Jun 20 14:54:10 CEST 2001


I have searched in the freeascal ftp server but I haven't found the BeOS
version, although it seems that it is being included in the 1.1 branch. I
have downloaded the zip file from pixel32.box.sk . Have you used that
version? It is a tar file. Is there an installation program?

Best regards

Ramon Bosque

----- Original Message -----
From: "Full_Name" <memsom at post.interalpha.co.uk>
To: <fpc-pascal at deadlock.et.tudelft.nl>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal]More BeOS fun..

> Quoting Ramon Bosque <ramon.bosque at qi.ub.es>:
> > Hello,
> >
> > What is the procedure in order to test it?
> Download the port. Install. Compile test programs.
> > Is there any binary package?
> There is a peliminary binary distro, yes.
> > Or must I compile the source?
> You can do this too.
> > Is this topic better suited for the fpc-devel list?
> I'm not an FPC developer; furthermore I'm only really interested in
> stuff I compile with the BeOS port working, not the BeOS port itself. From
> I've seen the basic BeOS port works fine as is. It's just lacking in
> support.
> The email had to go somewhere ;) Besides, other ports etc get mentioned on
> list, so why not BeOS?
> Matt
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