[fpc-pascal]VP Gone?

Michael Vogel icarus at dabo.de
Thu Jun 7 14:06:32 CEST 2001


07.06.2001 13:55:21, James_Wilson at i2.com wrote:

>   Okay, this is a bit off topic but... does any know if VP is gone?
>   www.vpascal.com doesn't seem to exist any longer. 

Hmm? Just a few seconds ago I was on this page.

I guess, it's only a temporary server-problem.

But I saw that the linux-port-page was from '99, so I guess the linux 
port is "a little bit" outdated. ;)


"Macht's gut und danke für den Fisch" 
Sig geändert zum Gedenken an Douglas Adams (1952 - 11.05.2001)

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