[fpc-devel] How to check why WideStringCompare fails?

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Fri Oct 11 09:14:37 CEST 2013

On 09 Oct 2013, at 20:51, Martin wrote:

> It seems for some people using 2.7.1
>    FCurrentString: string;
>        if 0 = WideCompareText(UTF8Decode(fCurrentString),
>                       UTF8Decode(Copy(ItemList[i], 1, Length(fCurrentString))))
> does not compare correct.
> http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=25156
> How can they best check if this is:
> - an issue with their setup, maybe widestringmanager failing.

If it's not one of the two other issues, it's probably the widestring manager.

> - an issue with UTF8Decode

Look at the the contents of fCurrentString and at the result of UTF8Decode.

> -- maybe because the encoding of FCurrentString?

Look at the result of StringCodePage(fCurrentString).


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