[fpc-devel] Cross compiling x86_64 -> ARM (RPi) | EABI mis-match.

Bruce Tulloch pascal at causal.com
Thu May 23 15:08:52 CEST 2013

Thanks for the tip; I will see if I can apply a patch dynamically when
building the ARM cross-compiler and remove it when building all the others
(they're all done in a multi-target build script I've written so presumably
I just need to amend the clause that builds for ARM). -b

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 10:55 PM, Jonas Maebe <jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be>wrote:

> On 23 May 2013, at 14:49, Bruce Tulloch wrote:
>  Okay, thanks, so I should be able to simply patch the makefile in my copy
>> of the fpc source to apply the correct assembler parameters when
>> (re)building the RTL to fix this problem, right? If so, I'll look into
>> doing this when I've resolved the cthreads issue. -b
> Yes. In theory, you could specify it on the command line via
> ASTARGET="somepara", but the problem is that this flag is used both when
> building natively and when cross-compiling. There is no separate cross
> version of that flag available. When cross-building from i386 to ARM it
> would work because for that target the assembler-based loader files are not
> used, but for x86-64 they are.
> Jonas
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