[fpc-devel] Changes in TComponent, TReader, TWriter

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Thu Oct 22 13:25:40 CEST 2009

On Thu, 22 Oct 2009, Martin Schreiber wrote:

> Hi,
> There were changes in the TComponent base functionality in FPC trunk recently.
> Please note that I do not use FPC trunk for MSEide+MSEgui so I do not test
> this modifications. Please be extremely careful with changes in low level
> opjpas code because it can have big consequences.
> Please test the changes with all possible combinations of inherited and
> inlined components, with all possible combinations of csdesigning,
> csdestroying,  globalloaded order, exceptions while streaming, order of
> destroying, cross module component linking...
> Yes, I know it is not possible to test all, so it is probably better not to
> make changes if one not really knows what he does. I worked quite a lot with
> component streaming but I can not claim I understand it all.

We have noticed the problems, and the person who committed the problems
was asked to revert all his changes.


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