[fpc-devel] Changes in TComponent, TReader, TWriter

Martin Schreiber fpmse at bluewin.ch
Thu Oct 22 12:30:23 CEST 2009

There were changes in the TComponent base functionality in FPC trunk recently. 
Please note that I do not use FPC trunk for MSEide+MSEgui so I do not test 
this modifications. Please be extremely careful with changes in low level 
opjpas code because it can have big consequences.
Please test the changes with all possible combinations of inherited and 
inlined components, with all possible combinations of csdesigning, 
csdestroying,  globalloaded order, exceptions while streaming, order of 
destroying, cross module component linking...
Yes, I know it is not possible to test all, so it is probably better not to 
make changes if one not really knows what he does. I worked quite a lot with 
component streaming but I can not claim I understand it all.

Thanks, Martin

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