[fpc-devel] FreePascal on ARM Linux ,SoftFloat and EABI issues

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Mon Jun 2 12:29:15 CEST 2008

> But it has its own set of problems. I'm not really dedicated enough, 
> but I never managed to cross-compile complex projects (by "complex" I 
> mean "with various dependencies on external libraries").
> Native is so much easier....once you get the ball rolling (but then 
> the same could be said for cross-compiling)
> Anyway, it seems that an emulated arm machine, while slower than 
> cross-compiling, is faster than the real arm hardware.
I just assume that when trying to make FP and GDB and Lazarus run 
natively on ARM you are on your own, while cross compiling for ARM-Linux 
is a supported option on Lazarus and thus the "powers than be" should be 
interested on helping you top make it work perfectly. It's a mixture of 
"ARM-CE" (i.e. the compiler, which already seems to work quite well) and 
native Linux (the libraries, which do work nicely).


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