[fpc-devel] Lazarus: A new widgest set

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Fri Feb 29 14:16:18 CET 2008

> MSEide+MSEgui compiles with Delphi7 with exception of DB components and 
> therefore the adjacent MSEifi DB components. It should be possible to patch 
> FPC db.pas in order it can be compiled with Delphi. MSEide uses gdb as 
> Lazarus does, gdb integration of MSEide is possible a little bit better than 
> the Lazarus one (widestrings, dynamic arrays...). MSEide and Lazarus both 
> suffer from gdb problems on win32.
We don't need visual db components. So no problem here.
> No, VCL/LCL widgets and MSEgui widgets are incompatible.
OK. That is understandable
>> Is it easy to install and try the MSE IDE ?
> I can't believe it, you never tried MSEide+MSEgui? 
In fact I still don't know what it really is.

At home I monitored the newsgroup for a while and once same was 
canceled, I thought the thing would be dead. (Like other Delphi related 
project I monitored died: Kylix / Cross-Kylix / Cross FPC and I had the 
impression that Lazarus would be collecting everyone remaining.)
> Installation instructions:
> http://www.homepage.bluewin.ch/msegui/
> and in README.TXT in the distribution.
> For the ifipipe demo you need the SVN trunk version and the compiler 
> option -dmse_with_ifi.
Should I use Windows or Linux ?

I'll take a look.

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