[fpc-devel] Lazarus: A new widgest set

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Thu Feb 14 15:34:18 CET 2008

I  know this is not the Lazarus developers list but I also know that the 
experts are here, so I ask here and maybe I just need a hint to get going.

For a special purpose (maybe to released publicly later) I want to 
create a new widget set in Lazarus.

I could easily add the new Name and directory to the lazconf.pp file and 
recompile Lazarus.

Now I can select the new widget set in compiler options.

I created an appropriate directory under "interfaces" and for a first 
test just moved interfaces.pp file in there.

I hoped that this directory would be used and I would get a compiler 
message from compiling the dummy interface.pp file.

But I just get "can't find unit interfaces". So seemingly the directory 
is not scanned.

Does anybody know the additional implications to meet when adding a new 
widget set ?



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