[fpc-devel] fpdoc and unicode characters

"Vinzent Höfler" JeLlyFish.software at gmx.net
Thu Aug 14 16:12:55 CEST 2008

Datum: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:06:14 +0200
Von: "Graeme Geldenhuys" <graemeg.lists at gmail.com>

> That makes no sense because I used the escaped unicode character
> format, just like HTML does. So those characters (documentation
> content) should be copied as-is to the HTML.

I suspect those entities get parsed by the DOM-unit as entities (which is the right thing to do generally) and simply get lost in the transformation back to the byte stream (aka. AnsiString) then.

> &#x2026;
> should be treated exactly the same as
> <    or   >    or   &
> when generating HTML output from fpdoc.

Yes. But the latter have a character code below 256 (even below 128, so they're plain 7-bit ASCII).


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