[fpc-devel] FPCUnit as a separate project from FPC?

Dean Zobec dean.zobec at gmail.com
Tue May 22 19:57:16 CEST 2007

Graeme Geldenhuys pravi:

>> This is not quite correct. The only part which should be in Lazarus
>> is the GUI stuff. The console testrunner can perfectly be integrated
>> in FPC. (as stated by Vincent)
> I agree about the console testrunner. That should move to FPC.
> My argument for submitting updates still hold.  What if I submit
> something in FPCUnit (core) that would break the GUI TestRunner.  I
> have to submit the FPCUnit core changes first. Wait till it's been
> applied, then submit the Lazarus updates. 
Radical changes in FPCUnit core are rare, and if they happen they would
reside in the latest svn trunk. The lag you mention about the Lazarus
svn update was a day or two usually, no big problem.

>While the Lazarus updates
> have not been applied the GUI TestRunner is broken.  This would have
> happened again a few weeks ago, but my patch still hasn't been applied
> in either project. :-(
I'll take a look at them this evening.

>> The best that can be done is move the console runner to the FCL,
>> and leave only the GUI part in Lazarus.
> This must definitely be done!  I can live with the GUI Runner being
> broken, but Console Runner not.
> Please note:
>  I'm just raising some questions Darius had.  I'm still happily
> sitting on the fence.  :-)
> I can see positive and negative things either way.
No problem, I'm sure that the best solution is to keep fpcunit in the
fcl, I'll have more time to dedicate to the project this summer and
quite sure that all the possible problems will be resolved as usual,
with no need to complicate things. Hope we'll achieve together some big
improvements. Big thanks to you and Darius for the discussion, it's
needed sometimes.


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