[fpc-devel] Free Pascal, Lazarus, GTK+ -- Hello world Me Please... Anyone...

Jason Sage me at jasonsage.com
Thu Aug 24 20:59:09 CEST 2006

I have a copy of FPC for Lazarus for win 32 downloaded and installed:

I have GTK+ installed. (it was placed .. all its dll's etc in a tree
structure): c:\program files\common\GTK2.0\


How do I make a window dialog come on the screen? Is there any samples I
don't know about. Let me add I have GTK installed and the FPC GTK demo
doesn't compile.. there are so many directories within GTK I don't know what
to maybe add to my search path env var. perhaps I should add something to
fp.ini to make it know I want/have GTK?


I see Lazarus screen shots online. but I don't know where to begin. I mean..
I'm confused .. I downloaded "LAZARUS" and I got FPC. I presume its compiled
with something special for Lazarus to work.. but where IS Lazarus? I run the
FPC IDE I get the FPC IDE and it can't compile any of my programs.. I seem
to better from command line. 


I'm not a newbie in general. but I feel like one now.. Because with
Lazarus.. I am.


My goal is to make a program in FPC that compiles on Win32 and Linux. I was
told Lazarus has matured to this level. And I'm sure it has.. but I need a
kick in the right direction if anyone can help.. I'd really appreciate it.
so let me say Thank you now before you even respond.


Thank You

Jason P Sage


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