[fpc-devel] Free Pascal, Lazarus, GTK+ -- Hello world Me Please... Anyone...

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 13:01:50 CEST 2006

On 8/24/06, Jason Sage <me at jasonsage.com> wrote:
> I have GTK+ installed… (it was placed .. all its dll's etc in a tree
> structure): c:\program files\common\GTK2.0\

To you Lazarus under Windows you don´t need GTK at all.

> I'm confused .. I downloaded "LAZARUS" and I got FPC…

It´s pretty clear you went to the download page and downloaded the
wrong package.

The download page is:

Go to this page, and scroll down until you see "Lazarus Windows
Binaries". This is what you need to download.

On that same download page there is a link to download Free Pascal,
but you should NOT download it, because the Lazarus Windows Binary
already comes with Free Pascal and everything else you need to use

To make it easier for you, here is a direct link to download Lazarus:


Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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