[fpc-devel]Insisting on IDE

Alejandro NĂ©stor Vargas anv at xnetcuyo.com.ar
Sat Mar 24 00:08:27 CET 2001

El Vie 23 Mar 2001 19:51, escribiste:
> >
> >I am using the IDE on the console... But AltGr key does not work at all...
>  Do they work if you type those special chars at command prompt ?

Yes!, it is working fine. I am user mapkeys es.

> #/bin/sh
> xterm -fn vga -fb vga -rv -e /the/complete/path/to/you/fp -t `tty` $*

It works fine, thank you!

> >I tryed also RHIDE and seen that it has problems with catching alt keys
> > for using it for special functions (it does not work at all). In fp IDE
> > it works right, but I don't know why altGR combinations does not work...
> Do the AltGr keys work in Rhide ?

Yes, it works right in Rhide. But RHide has other problems... in example it 
does not convert variable names to uppercase when evaluating/watching, and 
some problems with keys... And I had problems on compiling rhide then I can't 
try to fix these problems.

>   Do you have a special keyboard ?
> Did you configure Linux for this special keyboard ?
> I have a french keyboard and
> in /etc/rc.d
> I have a file called rc.keymap
> that contains
> /usr/bin/loadgzkeys fr-latin1.map
> (Note that my Linux is VERY old)
> but it might be that your installation didn't set the correct keyboard!

My linux is running "loadkeys es" I also tryed "loadkeys es-latin1" with the 
same results...

I just discovered something!!

In a console, if I runs mc and presses CTRL+O for openning a shell, then the 
keys works with fp, but line drawing characters appears like in an X Terminal 
without the options you given...

Alejandro Néstor Vargas
Departamento de Desarrollo
X Net Cuyo S.A.

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