[fpc-devel]Insisting on IDE

Pierre Muller pierre at idefix.wisa.be
Fri Mar 23 23:51:53 CET 2001

At 19:33 23/03/01 -0300, you wrote:
>El Vie 23 Mar 2001 19:19, escribiste:
>> At 18:40 23/03/01 -0300, you wrote:
>> >I'm insisting about IDE for linux. The only problem I found is that I
>> > can't use the ALT+GR key (right alt) because (I supose) it was catched
>> > for using with alt funcitons. In many international keyboards the right
>> > alt key has a special meaning and is very important in programming, in
>> > example for typing [,], {, etc, etc.
>> The problem is that this completely depends on the way you use
>> the IDE for Linux.
>>   In console mode, I never had any problems with the AltGr keys,
>> but if you run the IDE over telnet or ssh or inside X,
>> then about all and everything can happen !
>I am using the IDE on the console... But AltGr key does not work at all...

 Do they work if you type those special chars at command prompt ?

>>   Under X the same kind of problems can appear,
>> even if my local frnech keyboard does work pretty well in this respect.
>> But this might also be a simple X configuration problem.
>:) I never tryed the ide under X, but I just tested it now. The drawing 
>characters seen ugly but altGR key works fine! But I prefer to use the ide
>a console if it is possible... 

  For X I strongly suggest that you run it with the following script
for an xterm :

xterm -fn vga -fb vga -rv -e /the/complete/path/to/you/fp -t `tty` $*

Note that:
 1) you need to have vga fonts 
 2) the -t options will allow the IDE to use the originating
xterm window as tty for the compiled program to debug it !

>I tryed also RHIDE and seen that it has problems with catching alt keys for 
>using it for special functions (it does not work at all). In fp IDE it works 
>right, but I don't know why altGR combinations does not work...

Do the AltGr keys work in Rhide ?

>I am trying fp under linux console on Mandrake 7.2, kernel 2.2.17. Any 

  Do you have a special keyboard ?
Did you configure Linux for this special keyboard ?
I have a french keyboard and
in /etc/rc.d

I have a file called rc.keymap
that contains
/usr/bin/loadgzkeys fr-latin1.map

(Note that my Linux is VERY old)

but it might be that your installation didn't set the correct keyboard!

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