[Pas2js] some thoughts about htmlwidgets

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel janusz.chmiel at volny.cz
Sat Oct 10 15:37:27 CEST 2020

And I have got other idea. What about adding only three questions with
editable label. Only if user will answer all three questions app will add
only next three new questions. Previous question should not be shown. But I
must determine if I will be able to modify The source which you have created
by using this approach.
Sure. possibilityes are various. If i would been more smart, I could even
create a nice table with good answers only after aevery good answer will be
answered. I will have to wait, till somebody will create some example with
HTMLwidgets unit which uses table.
I Am very nicely surpriced, that resulting javascript code is so fast. And
sysutils and other Pascal run-times are also consuming some CPU cycles and
RAM. But somebody here is so advanced, that he have created really robust
and reliable platform to develop fast and reliable WEB apps.
Very well done.
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