[Pas2js] textinputwidget and number of available input boxes on a line

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel janusz.chmiel at volny.cz
Sun Oct 4 14:54:09 CEST 2020

I have compiled and tried The bootstraptable. Sure, really. Screen reader
read everything excellently. No issues.
But I have found out, that .html file have no 1 KB syze. So some basic HTMl
knowledge will be may be required to create some PP with GUI. Or does
something create .html file automatically?
I will analyse The example. It contain various widgets including very
accessible table. I have only one problem. If I will not have to create
.csss templates myself from scratch.
It would be problem. And thank you very much that you have pointed Me to
this widget. Sure. Using only htmlwidgets have been very simple for Me. But
I understand, that I can not expect nice GUI from this perspective. Thank
you that you have releasing Bootstrap units for free. Since I know about
very expensive product based on Delphi from Germany. i would had to buy
expensive Delphi license, and I would had to buy 440 Euros product from one
company from Germany.
SO I would had to invest more than 800 Euros. So thank you very much that
you have so good will that you are not only developing various frameworks
for free. BUt that you have even patience to even help such amateour
advanced users like I AM. I Am really deeply appreciating you because of it.

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