[Pas2js] textinputwidget and number of available input boxes on a line

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel janusz.chmiel at volny.cz
Sun Oct 4 11:58:09 CEST 2020

When I have shown The online forms to my sighted mother, she has found, that
in some cases, text labels can fit on A line, but there is no some input box
to fill out on some lines. Is it possible to add auto formatting option, so
even if somebody would create 40 or more input boxes with text labels, that
all input boxes could be visually available when using htmlwidgets unit?
The most sad reality is The fact, that when I Am using screen reader on
Android device or on standard deskto computer, I have no chance to
determine, that some editable field could not fit on some line.. By other
words. My mother could see all textual labels, but some inptut editable
fields were not presented thanks to lack of free space on A line.
If it would be possible to include some automatic formattting routines to
The htmlwidgets unit, it would be excellent.
I Am sending whole code as A demonstration.
Or to avoid those issues. Should I move from Htmlwidgets unit to WEB unit?
Should I rather simply write GUi by using HTML language by using Seamonkey
HTMl editor, which even support tables creation?
Should I rather follow The same approach which is being used by Pacman game?
But my HTMl knowledge is not so good to create editable fields.
Thank you very much for yours patience.
Sure. For blind users, it is OK, because screen readers do not inform them,
that some editable field do not fit on A line. But in this case, I would
code only for visually impaired users for The rest of my life and resulting
WEB app could always have some severe visuall issue.
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