[Pas2js] Webwidgets demo

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Sat Aug 29 22:52:57 CEST 2020


As promised in another thread, I have published a demo for the html widgets
you can find in pas2js SVN.

The demo sources are in  pas2js/demo/webwidget/widgets

You can view the demo online in:

Some points to note:

- This demo is very much a  WIP (Work In Progress).
   I publish it because I want to help one of the members here on the list.

- The Demo is not designed to showcase the code, but rather the components
   themselves. As such I'm not 100% convinced it is the best way of learning
   to work with them.. :(

- The object inspector is also a WIP, I have a local version which contains
   improved, but not yet fully ready, functionality, so I didn't use that yet.

- The components are used in several real-life applications for clients of
   the company I work for, so the components themselves are 'stable'..
   (I use them with the html2form tool published earlier today)

- We are working on a system to design webpages in the Lazarus IDE, these
   web widgets have been designed with such a system in mind, i.e. they are
   TComponent descendants and have published properties.

- VCL Compatibility is NOT a goal, rather the opposite: the aim is to work
   with HTML, not to emulate LCL/VCL components.
   Although you could probably build on these to create a LCL widgetset.

- Did I already mention the demo is a WIP ?
   I still need to add several components to the demo, and improve styling.
   The Bootstrap toast manager for one is a particularly useful one.



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