[Pas2js] how to get text content from TTextInputWidget

Jean SUZINEAU Jean.Suzineau at wanadoo.fr
Sat Aug 29 15:18:25 CEST 2020

Michael replied before me, I send my message anyway...

Le 29/08/2020 à 14:16, Mgr. Janusz Chmiel a écrit :
> I Am getting error:
> Error: Can't access protected member Text
> when I have declared on1 as string;
> and when I type
> on1:=o1.text;
> o1 is The TTextInputWidget variable.
> So how to get text correctly?
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I didn't try but according to the source   TCustomInputWidget.Text gives 
you the "inner text" of the input tag (the input widget is based on the 
"input" html tag).

TCustomInputWidget.Text is declared  as "protected" so it can only be 
accessed from the inside of the class definition.

It's not redefined in sub class TTextInputWidget which inherits from 
TCustomInputWidget so you can't access it.

A quick way to access it would be to declare your own subclass:

   class(TTextInputWidget )
     Property Text;

This way you'll be able to access the text property if you use 
TMyTextInputWidget  instead of TTextInputWidget .
But I doubt it will be useful. I you use the html just below, you'll see 
what is the "value" and the "innertext" of the html tag.
I think what you are searching for is the value, not the inner text of 
the tag.

     <input value="value">innertext</input>

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