[Pas2js] is it possible to create GUi with no need to manually add the code to .html page

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Tue Aug 25 20:22:40 CEST 2020

On Tue, 25 Aug 2020, Mgr. Janusz Chmiel wrote:

> If somebody will have success when using Webwidgets and htmlwidgets to
> create GUI on WeB page with no need to add HTML tags manually to .html file,
> please send some little code here.

You just need to add a call to 
after you create the button.

When you create the various widgets, they exist only in memory, only when
you call Refresh() is the HTML (re)created.

This allows you to create a complex structure, and when all property setting 
is done, call refresh on the top-level widget to create all HTML at once.

I have some demo programs for the widgets, but I didn't commit them yet
because I wanted to include a demo for all widgets first. Unfortunately, I
am currently too busy at work to finish the task, I expect to have time in
october to finish all demos, but I will try to commit what is there this week
still, so you have something to look at.


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