[Pas2js] where to copy Pas2js units to get it work from lazarus

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel janusz.chmiel at volny.cz
Sun Aug 23 17:46:51 CEST 2020

Dear Mr Gaertner,
	I have used pas2js.cfg file which is The part of The latest stable
Pas2js from 2019. I have added it to The folder with pas2js.exe but I Am
getting The same rrror.
Should I copy old units from 2019 to The folder with pas2js.exe and fpc.exe
and other compiler modules?
I do not know, where is pas2js unit which is The part of The latest stable
Lazarus. I AM very sorry that I Am intruding. But I Am so near of my dream
using Lazarus with Pas2js.

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