[Pas2js] some accessibility related findings

Mgr. Janusz Chmiel janusz.chmiel at volny.cz
Sun Aug 23 15:12:03 CEST 2020

I Am very sorry. You had right. Webwidgets unit can work without .lfm files.
And resulting WEB app work with screen reader. Because I have tried test
app, run test button have been accessible. So web.pas and webwidgets.pas
produces accessible GUI of resulting WEb apps. Console really do not work. I
think, that The aim of webbrowserconsole unit is to have output of writeln
readable as A normal webpage output, so it is not necessary to use The
browser or The development console.
But it is not problem, because professional apps must really use web.pas or
webwidgets.pas so I will learn webwidgets unit as you have adviced Me
yesterday. I will look at yours demo and if I will find some which uses
webwidgets unit I will try to learn thanks to its code.

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