[Pas2js] Pas2JS-Widgets with LFM streaming

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Fri Jul 26 19:34:25 CEST 2019

Hello together!

I've experimented a bit with Pas2JS and the Pas2JS-Widgets by 
heliosroots ( https://github.com/heliosroots/Pas2JS_Widget/tree/master ) 
and implemented loading of unmodified LFM files. It's a bit cumbersome 
for now, cause it needs changes in the project's HTML source as well as 
the main project file for each form added, but as a proof of concept it 
works. I've attached the patch that needs to be applied to the 
Pas2JS-Widget master.

To use it you proceed as follows:
- make sure you have installed Pas2JSDsgn (from Pas2JS) and 
Pas2JS_Designer_Package (from Pas2JS-Widgets)
- make sure you at least once opened Pas2JS_RTL (from Pas2JS) and 
Pas2JS_Widget (from Pas2JS-Widgets)
- create a new "Web Browser Application"
- add Pas2JS_RTL and Pas2JS_Widget as requirements
- add new forms using New -> Module -> Web Form (Pas2JS)
- remove the overridden Loaded method from any forms
- replace the main program's code with this (of course adjust the 
form/unit names to your needs):

=== code begin ===

program tp2j;

{$mode objfpc}

   Forms, FormLoader, Interfaces, Unit1;

procedure DoInit(aData: TObject);
   Application.CreateForm(TWForm1, WForm1);

   LoadForms([TWForm1], @DoInit, Nil);

=== code end ===

- add a script tag in front of the project's script tag in the HTML 
file:   <script src="unit1.lfm" type="application/x-lazarus-form" 
- play around with the form (add components (from the Pas2JS component 
tab only!), add events, etc.)
- before compiling make sure that the project *does not* contain a 
requirement of Pas2JS_Designer_Package (the IDE currently adds this when 
adding a component)
- make sure that the *.LFM files are at the same location as the *.JS file
- load your application in the browser -> you should now see your form

A screenshot showing the resulting browser and the IDE is attached. :)

This can obviously be further improved:
- adding support also for frames and data modules
- caching the converted object stream (so that it doesn't need to be 
converted for each creation of a form)
- add some way of asynchronous loading?

And then of course the Pas2JS Widgets needs to be improved. :)

@heliosroots (in case you read this): do you have a more current version 
of your components? I've seen in one of your videos that you also have 
DB components available.

-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/pas2js/packages/widget/controls.pas b/pas2js/packages/widget/controls.pas
index 681a639..a020f44 100755
--- a/pas2js/packages/widget/controls.pas
+++ b/pas2js/packages/widget/controls.pas
@@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ type
     procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: integer); virtual;
     procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: integer); virtual;
     procedure MouseWeel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: NativeInt; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: boolean);
+    procedure SetParentComponent(Value: TComponent); override;
     property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle;
     property TabOrder: NativeInt read FTabOrder write SetTabOrder;
@@ -1302,6 +1303,12 @@ begin
+procedure TControl.SetParentComponent(Value: TComponent);
+  if Value is TWinControl then
+    SetParent(TWinControl(Value));
 function TControl.HandleClick(AEvent: TJSMouseEvent): boolean;
diff --git a/pas2js/packages/widget/formloader.pas b/pas2js/packages/widget/formloader.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..438f6dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pas2js/packages/widget/formloader.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+  Based on Rtl.ScriptLoader (thus the same license as that (ToDo: which is?)).
+  Modifications by Sven Barth
+unit FormLoader;
+  Forms;
+  TLoadedCallBack = Reference to procedure(Data : TObject);
+  TProc = reference to procedure;
+  TCustomFormClassArray = array of TCustomFormClass;
+procedure LoadForms(aForms: TCustomFormClassArray; aCallback: TLoadedCallback; aData: TObject);
+  SysUtils,
+  JS, Web;
+procedure LoadForms(aForms: TCustomFormClassArray; aCallback: TLoadedCallback; aData: TObject);
+  procedure Loader(aForm: TCustomFormClass; aHandler: TProc);
+  var
+    script: TJSElement;
+    req: TJSXMLHttpRequest;
+    procedure DoLoaded;
+    begin
+      script.textContent := req.responseText;
+      aHandler;
+    end;
+  var
+    src: String;
+  begin
+    script := document.getElementById(aForm.ClassName + '.lfm');
+    if not Assigned(script) then
+      raise Exception.CreateFmt('No script element found for ', [aForm.ClassName]);
+    src := script['src'];
+    req := TJSXMLHttpRequest.new;
+    req.AddEventListener('load', @DoLoaded);
+    req.Open('GET', src);
+    req.Send;
+  end;
+  procedure Run;
+  begin
+    if Length(aForms) > 0 then
+      Loader(TCustomFormClass(TJSArray(aForms).shift()), @Run)
+    else if Assigned(aCallback) then
+      aCallback(aData);
+  end;
+  Run;
diff --git a/pas2js/packages/widget/forms.pas b/pas2js/packages/widget/forms.pas
index e7f74b7..8f82ba1 100755
--- a/pas2js/packages/widget/forms.pas
+++ b/pas2js/packages/widget/forms.pas
@@ -128,10 +128,12 @@ type
     procedure Changed; override;
     function CreateHandleElement: TJSHTMLElement; override;
+    procedure ProcessResource; virtual;
     class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+    constructor CreateNew(AOwner: TComponent; Num: Integer = 0); virtual;
     destructor Destroy; override;
     procedure AfterConstruction; override;
     procedure BeforeDestruction; override;
@@ -216,12 +218,58 @@ type
     property OnUnload: TNotifyEvent read FOnUnload write FOnUnload;
+  { TWForm }
+  TWForm = class(TCustomForm)
+  published
+    property ActiveControl;
+    property Align;
+    property AlphaBlend;
+    property AlphaBlendValue;
+    property Caption;
+    property ClientHeight;
+    property ClientWidth;
+    property Color;
+    property Enabled;
+    property Font;
+    property HandleClass;
+    property HandleID;
+    property KeyPreview;
+    property ShowHint;
+    property Visible;
+    property OnActivate;
+    property OnClick;
+    property OnClose;
+    property OnCloseQuery;
+    property OnCreate;
+    property OnDblClick;
+    property OnDeactivate;
+    property OnDestroy;
+    property OnHide;
+    property OnKeyDown;
+    property OnKeyPress;
+    property OnKeyUp;
+    property OnMouseDown;
+    property OnMouseEnter;
+    property OnMouseLeave;
+    property OnMouseMove;
+    property OnMouseUp;
+    property OnMouseWheel;
+    property OnResize;
+    property OnScroll;
+    property OnShow;
+  end;
+  TWFormClass = class of TWForm;
 { TODO: TScreen }
 function Application: TApplication;
+  LResources, LCLStrConsts;
 {$hints off}
 procedure DefaultModalProc(Sender: TObject; ModalResult: TModalResult);
@@ -591,6 +639,13 @@ begin
   Result := TJSHTMLElement(Document.CreateElement('div'));
+procedure TCustomForm.ProcessResource;
+  if not InitResourceComponent(Self, TWForm) then
+    raise EResNotFound.CreateFmt(
+      rsFormResourceSNotFoundForResourcelessFormsCreateNew, [ClassName]);
 class function TCustomForm.GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize;
   Result.Cx := 320;
@@ -598,6 +653,25 @@ begin
 constructor TCustomForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+  //GlobalNameSpace.BeginWrite;
+  try
+    CreateNew(AOwner, 1); // this calls BeginFormUpdate, which is ended in AfterConstruction
+    if (ClassType <> TWForm) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+    begin
+      //Include(FFormState, fsCreating);
+      try
+        ProcessResource;
+      finally
+        //Exclude(FFormState, fsCreating);
+      end;
+    end;
+  finally
+    //GlobalNameSpace.EndWrite;
+  end;
+constructor TCustomForm.CreateNew(AOwner: TComponent; Num: Integer);
   inherited Create(AOwner);
   FActiveControl := nil;
diff --git a/pas2js/packages/widget/graphics.pas b/pas2js/packages/widget/graphics.pas
index 4f41764..6c433cd 100755
--- a/pas2js/packages/widget/graphics.pas
+++ b/pas2js/packages/widget/graphics.pas
@@ -279,6 +279,10 @@ function JSColor(const AColor: TColor): string;
 function JSFont(const AFont: TFont): string;
 function JSMeasureText(const AText: string; const AFontName: string; const AFontSize: NativeInt; const AFixedWidth: NativeInt = 0): TSize; overload;
+function IdentEntry(Entry: Longint; out MapEntry: TIdentMapEntry): boolean;
+function ColorToIdent(Color: Longint; out Ident: String): Boolean;
+function IdentToColor(const Ident: string; out Color: Longint): Boolean;
+function ColorIndex(Color: Longint; out Index: Integer): Boolean;
@@ -948,5 +952,108 @@ begin
   Result := TextExtent(AText).Cx;
+  Colors: array[0..46] of TIdentMapEntry = (
+    // standard colors
+    (Value: clBlack; Name: 'clBlack'),
+    (Value: clMaroon; Name: 'clMaroon'),
+    (Value: clGreen; Name: 'clGreen'),
+    (Value: clOlive; Name: 'clOlive'),
+    (Value: clNavy; Name: 'clNavy'),
+    (Value: clPurple; Name: 'clPurple'),
+    (Value: clTeal; Name: 'clTeal'),
+    (Value: clGray; Name: 'clGray'),
+    (Value: clSilver; Name: 'clSilver'),
+    (Value: clRed; Name: 'clRed'),
+    (Value: clLime; Name: 'clLime'),
+    (Value: clYellow; Name: 'clYellow'),
+    (Value: clBlue; Name: 'clBlue'),
+    (Value: clFuchsia; Name: 'clFuchsia'),
+    (Value: clAqua; Name: 'clAqua'),
+    (Value: clWhite; Name: 'clWhite'),
+    // extended colors
+    (Value: clMoneyGreen; Name: 'clMoneyGreen'),
+    (Value: clSkyBlue; Name: 'clSkyBlue'),
+    (Value: clCream; Name: 'clCream'),
+    (Value: clMedGray; Name: 'clMedGray'),
+    // special colors
+    (Value: clNone; Name: 'clNone'),
+    (Value: clDefault; Name: 'clDefault'),
+    // system colors
+    (Value: clScrollBar; Name: 'clScrollBar'),
+    (Value: clBackground; Name: 'clBackground'),
+    (Value: clActiveCaption; Name: 'clActiveCaption'),
+    (Value: clInactiveCaption; Name: 'clInactiveCaption'),
+    (Value: clMenu; Name: 'clMenu'),
+    //(Value: clMenuBar; Name: 'clMenuBar'),
+    //(Value: clMenuHighlight; Name: 'clMenuHighlight'),
+    (Value: clMenuText; Name: 'clMenuText'),
+    (Value: clWindow; Name: 'clWindow'),
+    (Value: clWindowFrame; Name: 'clWindowFrame'),
+    (Value: clWindowText; Name: 'clWindowText'),
+    (Value: clCaptionText; Name: 'clCaptionText'),
+    (Value: clActiveBorder; Name: 'clActiveBorder'),
+    (Value: clInactiveBorder; Name: 'clInactiveBorder'),
+    (Value: clAppWorkspace; Name: 'clAppWorkspace'),
+    (Value: clHighlight; Name: 'clHighlight'),
+    (Value: clHighlightText; Name: 'clHighlightText'),
+    (Value: clBtnFace; Name: 'clBtnFace'),
+    (Value: clBtnShadow; Name: 'clBtnShadow'),
+    (Value: clGrayText; Name: 'clGrayText'),
+    (Value: clBtnText; Name: 'clBtnText'),
+    (Value: clInactiveCaptionText; Name: 'clInactiveCaptionText'),
+    (Value: clBtnHighlight; Name: 'clBtnHighlight'),
+    (Value: cl3DDkShadow; Name: 'cl3DDkShadow'),
+    (Value: cl3DLight; Name: 'cl3DLight'),
+    (Value: clInfoText; Name: 'clInfoText'),
+    (Value: clInfoBk; Name: 'clInfoBk')
+    //(Value: clHotLight; Name: 'clHotLight'),
+    //(Value: clGradientActiveCaption; Name: 'clGradientActiveCaption'),
+    //(Value: clGradientInactiveCaption; Name: 'clGradientInactiveCaption'),
+    // one our special color
+    //(Value: clForm; Name: 'clForm')
+    );
+function IdentEntry(Entry: Longint; out MapEntry: TIdentMapEntry): boolean;
+  Result := False;
+  if (Entry >= 0) and (Entry <= High(Colors)) then
+  begin
+    MapEntry := Colors[Entry];
+    Result := True;
+  end;
+function ColorToIdent(Color: Longint; out Ident: String): Boolean;
+  Result := IntToIdent(Color, Ident, Colors);
+function IdentToColor(const Ident: string; out Color: Longint): Boolean;
+  Result := IdentToInt(Ident, Color, Colors);
+function ColorIndex(Color: Longint; out Index: Integer): Boolean;
+  i: integer;
+  for i := Low(Colors) to High(Colors) do
+    if Colors[i].Value = Color then
+    begin
+      Result := True;
+      Index := i;
+      exit;
+    end;
+  Result := False;
+  RegisterIntegerConsts(TypeInfo(TColor), TIdentToInt(@IdentToColor), TIntToIdent(@ColorToIdent));
diff --git a/pas2js/packages/widget/lclstrconsts.pas b/pas2js/packages/widget/lclstrconsts.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5869992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pas2js/packages/widget/lclstrconsts.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ /***************************************************************************
+                            lclstrconsts.pas
+                            ----------------
+     This unit contains all resource strings of the LCL (not interfaces)
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ *****************************************************************************
+  This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
+  See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
+  for details about the license.
+ *****************************************************************************
+unit LCLStrConsts;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+  rsFormResourceSNotFoundForResourcelessFormsCreateNew = 'Form resource %s '
+    +'not found. For resourceless forms CreateNew constructor must be used.'
+    +' See the global variable RequireDerivedFormResource.';
+  rsFormStreamingError = 'Form streaming "%s" error: %s';
diff --git a/pas2js/packages/widget/lresources.pas b/pas2js/packages/widget/lresources.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d4c4a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pas2js/packages/widget/lresources.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+  Note: This file is based on LCL's LResources unit.
+  Original Author: Mattias Gaertner
+ *****************************************************************************
+  This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
+  See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
+  for details about the license.
+ *****************************************************************************
+  Abstract:
+    This unit maintains and stores all lazarus resources in the global list
+    named LazarusResources and provides methods and types to stream components.
+    A lazarus resource is an ansistring, with a name and a valuetype. Both, name
+    and valuetype, are ansistrings as well.
+    Lazarus resources are normally included via an include directive in the
+    initialization part of a unit. To create such include files use the
+    BinaryToLazarusResourceCode procedure.
+    To create a LRS file from an LFM file use the LFMtoLRSfile function which
+    transforms the LFM text to binary format and stores it as Lazarus resource
+    include file.
+unit LResources;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+  Classes;
+function InitResourceComponent(Instance: TComponent;
+  RootAncestor: TClass):Boolean;
+function InitLazResourceComponent(Instance: TComponent;
+                                  RootAncestor: TClass): Boolean;
+  Web, SysUtils,
+  LCLStrConsts;
+function InitResourceComponent(Instance: TComponent; RootAncestor: TClass
+  ): Boolean;
+  Result := InitLazResourceComponent(Instance, RootAncestor);
+function InitLazResourceComponent(Instance: TComponent; RootAncestor: TClass
+  ): Boolean;
+  function InitComponent(ClassType: TClass): Boolean;
+  var
+    ResName: String;
+    Stream: TStream;
+    BinStream: TMemoryStream;
+    Reader: TReader;
+    script: TJSElement;
+  begin
+    //DebugLn(['[InitComponent] ClassType=',ClassType.Classname,' Instance=',DbgsName(Instance),' RootAncestor=',DbgsName(RootAncestor),' ClassType.ClassParent=',DbgsName(ClassType.ClassParent)]);
+    Result := False;
+    if (ClassType = TComponent) or (ClassType = RootAncestor) then
+      Exit;
+    if Assigned(ClassType.ClassParent) then
+      Result := InitComponent(ClassType.ClassParent);
+    Stream := nil;
+    ResName := ClassType.ClassName;
+    script := Document.getElementById(ResName + '.lfm');
+    if Assigned(script) and (script.textContent <> '') then
+      Stream := TStringStream.Create(script.textContent);
+    if Stream = nil then
+      Exit;
+    try
+      //DebugLn('Form Stream "',ClassType.ClassName,'"');
+      try
+      BinStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
+      try
+        ObjectTextToBinary(Stream, BinStream);
+        BinStream.Position := 0;
+        Reader := TReader.Create(BinStream);
+        try
+          Reader.ReadRootComponent(Instance);
+        finally
+          Reader.Free;
+        end;
+      finally
+        BinStream.Free;
+      end;
+      except
+        on E: Exception do begin
+          Writeln(Format(rsFormStreamingError,[ClassType.ClassName,E.Message]));
+          raise;//exit;
+        end;
+      end;
+    finally
+      Stream.Free;
+    end;
+    Result := True;
+  end;
+  if Instance.ComponentState * [csLoading, csInline] <> []
+  then begin
+    // global loading not needed
+    Result := InitComponent(Instance.ClassType);
+  end
+  else try
+    //BeginGlobalLoading;
+    Result := InitComponent(Instance.ClassType);
+    //NotifyGlobalLoading;
+  finally
+    //EndGlobalLoading;
+  end;
+  RegisterInitComponentHandler(TComponent, @InitResourceComponent);
diff --git a/pas2js/packages/widget/pas2js_widget.lpk b/pas2js/packages/widget/pas2js_widget.lpk
index b98a54a..180af11 100755
--- a/pas2js/packages/widget/pas2js_widget.lpk
+++ b/pas2js/packages/widget/pas2js_widget.lpk
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 }  "/>
     <Version Major="1"/>
-    <Files Count="15">
+    <Files Count="18">
         <Filename Value="webextra.pas"/>
         <UnitName Value="WebExtra"/>
@@ -121,6 +121,18 @@
         <Filename Value="webctrls.pas"/>
         <UnitName Value="WebCtrls"/>
+      <Item16>
+        <Filename Value="lclstrconsts.pas"/>
+        <UnitName Value="lclstrconsts"/>
+      </Item16>
+      <Item17>
+        <Filename Value="formloader.pas"/>
+        <UnitName Value="FormLoader"/>
+      </Item17>
+      <Item18>
+        <Filename Value="lresources.pas"/>
+        <UnitName Value="LResources"/>
+      </Item18>
     <RequiredPkgs Count="1">
diff --git a/pas2js/packages/widget/webctrls.pas b/pas2js/packages/widget/webctrls.pas
index 3e70bf7..d6aab47 100755
--- a/pas2js/packages/widget/webctrls.pas
+++ b/pas2js/packages/widget/webctrls.pas
@@ -44,49 +44,6 @@ uses
-  { TWForm }
-  TWForm = class(TCustomForm)
-  published
-    property ActiveControl;
-    property Align;
-    property AlphaBlend;
-    property AlphaBlendValue;
-    property Caption;
-    property ClientHeight;
-    property ClientWidth;
-    property Color;
-    property Enabled;
-    property Font;
-    property HandleClass;
-    property HandleID;
-    property KeyPreview;
-    property ShowHint;
-    property Visible;
-    property OnActivate;
-    property OnClick;
-    property OnClose;
-    property OnCloseQuery;
-    property OnCreate;
-    property OnDblClick;
-    property OnDeactivate;
-    property OnDestroy;
-    property OnHide;
-    property OnKeyDown;
-    property OnKeyPress;
-    property OnKeyUp;
-    property OnMouseDown;
-    property OnMouseEnter;
-    property OnMouseLeave;
-    property OnMouseMove;
-    property OnMouseUp;
-    property OnMouseWheel;
-    property OnResize;
-    property OnScroll;
-    property OnShow;
-  end;
-  TWFormClass = class of TWForm;
   { TWFrame }
   TWFrame = class(TCustomFrame)
-------------- next part --------------
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