[fpc-pascal] Building fpc trunk on Linux: Could not find unit directory for dependency package "rtl" required for package "a52"

Ondrej Pokorny lazarus at kluug.net
Thu Apr 27 18:53:42 CEST 2023

On 27.04.2023 17:54, Ondrej Pokorny via fpc-pascal wrote:
> On 27.04.2023 15:54, Ondrej Pokorny via fpc-pascal wrote:
>> OK, I searched for the error and found this page: 
>> https://wiki.freepascal.org/FPMake#Could_not_find_unit_directory_for_dependency_package_.22rtl.22

OK, I made the fpmake command work:

I added "--globalunitdir=.." to the fpmake line:

./fpmake compile -T  --localunitdir=.. --os=linux --cpu=arm -o -gl -o 
-Ur -o -Xs -o -O2 -o -n -o -Fl/usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/8 -o -O- 
-o -gw -o -godwarfsets -o -gl -o -Xg -o -CVglobal-dynamic -o -darm -o 
--compiler=/home/pi/software/fpc/src/compiler/ppcarm -bu -o -XX -o -CX 

Now, the packages compile.

But the question still persists: why do you need it and what file do I 
have edit so that "make" works?

Btw. setting
   export FPCDIR=/home/pi/software/fpc/src
in my make script doesn't help (the ".." directs to 

So I now know how to fix the fpmake command, but where do I have to fix 
it so that the make process works?


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