[fpc-pascal] Building fpc trunk on Linux: Could not find unit directory for dependency package "rtl" required for package "a52"

Ondrej Pokorny lazarus at kluug.net
Thu Apr 27 15:54:39 CEST 2023


I am lost :/ I installed FPC 3.2.2 from the TAR file as described here: 

I did "sudo ./install" and kept everything default.

Now, I want to build fpc main from Git. I do:

make clean all OPT='-O- -gw -godwarfsets -gl -Xg' DEBUG=1 
INSTALL_PREFIX=$mypath FPMAKEOPT="-T $usethreads"
make install OPT='-O- -gw -godwarfsets -gl -Xg' DEBUG=1 
INSTALL_PREFIX=$mypath FPMAKEOPT="-T $usethreads"

It takes a while and then I get this error:

make[1]: Entering directory '/home/pi/software/fpc/src'
make -C packages smart
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/pi/software/fpc/src/packages'
./fpmake compile -T  --localunitdir=.. --os=linux --cpu=arm -o -gl -o 
-Ur -o -Xs -o -O2 -o -n -o -Fl/usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/8 -o -O- 
-o -gw -o -godwarfsets -o -gl -o -Xg -o -CVglobal-dynamic -o -darm -o 
--compiler=/home/pi/software/fpc/src/compiler/ppcarm -bu -o -XX -o -CX
The installer encountered the following error:
Could not find unit directory for dependency package "rtl" required for 
package "a52"
   $0014F0A0  ERROR,  line 6230 of src/fpmkunit.pp
   $001575CC  CHECKEXTERNALPACKAGE,  line 7910 of src/fpmkunit.pp
   $001578C4  COMPILEDEPENDENCIES,  line 7945 of src/fpmkunit.pp
   $00159594  READYTOCOMPILE,  line 8280 of src/fpmkunit.pp
   $001593C4  MAYBECOMPILE,  line 8253 of src/fpmkunit.pp
   $0015C3E8  COMPILE,  line 8907 of src/fpmkunit.pp
   $0014DAF0  COMPILE,  line 5945 of src/fpmkunit.pp
   $0014E0A0  RUN,  line 6040 of src/fpmkunit.pp
   $0006CBB0  main,  line 57 of fpmake.pp
make[2]: *** [Makefile:1965: smart] Error 1

OK, I searched for the error and found this page: 

It says: "In general the fpmake system scans the places typically used 
for fpc installations."

OK, I kept everything by default but it still doesn't find FPC 
directory... So OK, I want to set it, but what directory is it? I 
thought that the install script gives me the directory, but I don't find 
it there. When I run the install script again, I get:

Running on linux
Write permission in /etc.
Writing sample configuration file to /etc/fpc.cfg
Saved old "fpc.cfg" to "fpc.bak"
Writing sample configuration file to /usr/lib/fpc/3.2.2/ide/text/fp.cfg
Saved old "fp.cfg" to "fp.bak"
Writing sample configuration file to /usr/lib/fpc/3.2.2/ide/text/fp.ini
Saved old "fp.ini" to "fp.bak"
Writing sample configuration file to /etc/fppkg.cfg
Saved old "fppkg.cfg" to "fppkg.bak"
Writing sample configuration file to /etc/fppkg/default
Saved old "default" to "default.bak"

End of installation.

Do you know what I am missing to build FPC main from Git? Btw. I can 
build pas2js with a simple "make" just fine... I am lost :(


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