[fpc-pascal] Pascal Ardiono (avr) library

Joost van der Sluis joost at cnoc.nl
Sun Apr 4 00:39:26 CEST 2021

Op 03-04-2021 om 21:14 schreef Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis via fpc-pascal:
> Στις 3/4/2021 8:49 μ.μ., ο/η Joost van der Sluis via fpc-pascal έγραψε:
>> During some spare free time I've ported parts of the Arduino AVR 
>> library to Free Pascal. So now it is possible to use things like 
>> 'DigitalWrite' and 'Delay'.

>    BTW, IMHO, porting Arduino wiring code is not the way to go. Their 
> libraries are written with an ease of use philosophy and they try to 
> optimize them with the use of a lot of linker and preprocessor trickery, 
> which are not easy to port.

I would say that it was not that difficult to port. Although I could not 
port all the 'trickery' literally.

And it was my intention to follow the 'ease of use philosophy'. That is 
exactly what was missing at the Freepascal side of Arduino development.

When you are more experienced, you might not need this, and you are 
better of writing to the corresponding addresses, instead of using 
'DigitalWrite'. This is for beginners and simple proof-of-concepts. (The 
developers of the original Arduino software also state this)

>    IMHO, if you want to use library or framework I'll recommend to take 
> a look to Michael Ring's Microcontroller Board Framework MBF ( 
> https://github.com/michael-ring/mbf ). I think that has support for AVR.

Could be a good tip, I didn't know about it's existence.

>    One question off topic, can anyone register and use the gitlab scm 
> server ( gitlab.freepascal.org ) ? Is it open for Free Pascal / Lazarus 
> projects ?

Michael can tell you more. But as I understood it it is more a 
proof-of-concept at the moment. A playground to get more familiar 
hosting git, in preparation of the switch from Subversion to Git for the 
Free Pascal sources.

But at this moment nothing has been decided. Especially if we are gonna 
host fpc on Gitlab itself or host it on our on.



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