[fpc-pascal] Pascal Ardiono (avr) library

Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis d.ioannidis at nephelae.eu
Sat Apr 3 21:14:22 CEST 2021


Στις 3/4/2021 8:49 μ.μ., ο/η Joost van der Sluis via fpc-pascal έγραψε:
> Hi all,
> During some spare free time I've ported parts of the Arduino AVR 
> library to Free Pascal. So now it is possible to use things like 
> 'DigitalWrite' and 'Delay'.
> More info here: 
> https://lazarussupport.com/introducing-pasduino-the-pascal-avr-arduino-library/
> The library itself is at: https://gitlab.freepascal.org/Joost/pasduino

< snip >

Nice !

   BTW, IMHO, porting Arduino wiring code is not the way to go. Their 
libraries are written with an ease of use philosophy and they try to 
optimize them with the use of a lot of linker and preprocessor trickery, 
which are not easy to port.

   IMHO, if you want to use library or framework I'll recommend to take 
a look to Michael Ring's Microcontroller Board Framework MBF ( 
https://github.com/michael-ring/mbf ). I think that has support for AVR.

   One question off topic, can anyone register and use the gitlab scm 
server ( gitlab.freepascal.org ) ? Is it open for Free Pascal / Lazarus 
projects ?



Dimitrios chr. Ioannidis

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