[fpc-pascal] Cross platform question about lpi file content

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Sun Sep 27 19:44:36 CEST 2020

Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org> schrieb am
So., 27. Sep. 2020, 18:12:

> I am trying to find the cause of a linker error when building my
> application on Linux.
> While doing this I looked in the project file projname.lpi and found
> this strange entry:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>   <ProjectOptions>
>     <Version Value="11"/>
>     <PathDelim Value="\"/>
> Why is the path delimiter defined inside the project information file?
> And what are th consequences when moving the sources (via SVN) between
> Windows and Linux? Obviously this setting would be fals in one
> platform...

It's for the other paths that are used in the project file.

> Seems like something that should be handled by FPC itself depending on
> the platform it runs on.

FPC itself only handles the paths of the host platform (which means "/" on
*nix and "/" as well as "\" on Windows).

> My project builds fine now on Linux but refuses to link successfully,
> could this be the reason?
> It has started a series of messages about WSMenu items again for some
> unknown reason during linking.
> wsmenus.pp(263,1) Error: undefined reference to `WSRegisterMenu'
> I am not using wsmenus...

Yes, you are, even if it is indirectly. Otherwise the compiler or linker
wouldn't complain about it.

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