[fpc-pascal] Parameter Checking in fpjsonrpc

Simon Ameis SAmeis.fpc at web.de
Sat Feb 1 22:18:53 CET 2020

Hello Michael,

as the bugtracker is still not reachable, I'll send you my patch via the
mailing list.

As you suggested, there is a new option jroIgnoreExtraFields to ignore
extra fields in the parameter objets.

Objects in arrays are now validated against ParamDefs the same way a
single object is validated. You can force all array elements to be
objects, if you include both jroObjectParams and jroArrayParams in
options. If only jroArrayParams is given, the array may contain all JSON
types but only objects insided a mixed array are validated against
ParamDefs; simple types like numbers or strings are not checked.



 packages/fcl-web/src/jsonrpc/fpjsonrpc.pp | 121
 1 file changed, 105 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/fcl-web/src/jsonrpc/fpjsonrpc.pp
index 47d0ecf5e6..dd70e63ada 100644
--- a/packages/fcl-web/src/jsonrpc/fpjsonrpc.pp
+++ b/packages/fcl-web/src/jsonrpc/fpjsonrpc.pp
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Type
     function GetP(AIndex : Integer): TJSONParamDef;
     procedure SetP(AIndex : Integer; const AValue: TJSONParamDef);
-    Function AddParamDef(Const AName : TJSONStringType; AType :
TJSONType = jtString) : TJSONParamDef;
+    Function AddParamDef(Const AName : TJSONStringType; AType :
TJSONType = jtString; ARequired: Boolean = False) : TJSONParamDef;
     Function IndexOfParamDef(Const AName : TJSONStringType) : Integer;
     Function FindParamDef(Const AName : TJSONStringType) : TJSONParamDef;
     Function ParamDefByName(Const AName : TJSONStringType) : TJSONParamDef;
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Type
   { TCustomJSONRPCHandler }
   TJSONParamErrorEvent = Procedure (Sender : TObject; Const E :
Exception; Var Fatal : boolean) of Object;
-  TJSONRPCOption = (jroCheckParams,jroObjectParams,jroArrayParams);
+  TJSONRPCOption =
   TJSONRPCOptions = set of TJSONRPCOption;
   { TJSONRPCCallContext }
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ Type
     function CreateParamDefs: TJSONParamDefs; virtual;
     Procedure DoCheckParams(Const Params : TJSONData); virtual;
+    Procedure DoCheckParamDefsOnObject(Const ParamObject: TJSONObject);
+    Procedure DoCheckParamArray(const ParamArray: TJSONArray); virtual;
     Function DoExecute(Const Params : TJSONData; AContext :
TJSONRPCCallContext): TJSONData; virtual;
     Property BeforeExecute : TNotifyEvent Read FBeforeExecute Write
     Property AfterExecute : TNotifyEvent Read FAfterExecute Write
@@ -332,8 +334,10 @@ Type
   TJSONErrorObject = Class(TJSONObject);
 // Raise EJSONRPC exceptions.
-Procedure JSONRPCError(Msg : String);
-Procedure JSONRPCError(Fmt : String; Args : Array of const);
+Procedure JSONRPCError(const Msg : String);
+Procedure JSONRPCError(const Fmt : String; const Args : Array of const);
+Procedure JSONRPCParamError(const Msg: String);
+Procedure JSONRPCParamError(const Fmt: String; const Args: array of const);
 // Create an 'Error' object for an error response.
 function CreateJSONErrorObject(Const AMessage : String; Const ACode :
Integer) : TJSONObject;
@@ -371,6 +375,10 @@ resourcestring
   SErrParamsMustBeArrayorObject = 'Parameters must be passed in an
object or an array.';
   SErrParamsMustBeObject = 'Parameters must be passed in an object.';
   SErrParamsMustBeArray  = 'Parameters must be passed in an array.';
+  SErrParamsRequiredParamNotFound = 'Required parameter "%s" not found.';
+  SErrParamsDataTypeMismatch = 'Expected parameter "%s" having type
"%s", got "%s".';
+  SErrParamsNotAllowd = 'Parameter "%s" is not allowed.';
+  SErrParamsOnlyObjectsInArray = 'Array elements must be objects, got
%s at position %d.';
   SErrRequestMustBeObject = 'JSON-RPC Request must be an object.';
   SErrNoIDProperty = 'No "id" property found in request.';
   SErrInvalidIDProperty = 'Type of "id" property is not correct.';
@@ -402,13 +410,15 @@ implementation
 uses dbugintf;
-function CreateJSONErrorObject(Const AMessage : String; Const ACode :
Integer) : TJSONObject;
+function CreateJSONErrorObject(const AMessage: String; const ACode: Integer
+  ): TJSONObject;
-function CreateJSON2ErrorResponse(Const AMessage : String; Const ACode
: Integer; ID : TJSONData = Nil; idname : TJSONStringType = 'id' ) :
+function CreateJSON2ErrorResponse(const AMessage: String; const ACode:
+  ID: TJSONData; idname: TJSONStringType): TJSONObject;
   If (ID=Nil) then
@@ -418,7 +428,8 @@ begin
-function CreateJSON2ErrorResponse(Const AFormat : String; Args : Array
of const; Const ACode : Integer; ID : TJSONData = Nil; idname :
TJSONStringType = 'id' ) : TJSONObject;
+function CreateJSON2ErrorResponse(const AFormat: String; Args: array of
+  const ACode: Integer; ID: TJSONData; idname: TJSONStringType):
   If (ID=Nil) then
@@ -428,7 +439,7 @@ begin
-Function CreateErrorForRequest(Const Req,Error : TJSONData) : TJSONData;
+function CreateErrorForRequest(const Req, Error: TJSONData): TJSONData;
   I : Integer;
@@ -456,18 +467,29 @@ begin
-Procedure JSONRPCError(Msg : String);
+procedure JSONRPCError(const Msg: String);
   Raise EJSONRPC.Create(Msg);
-Procedure JSONRPCError(Fmt : String; Args : Array of const);
+procedure JSONRPCError(const Fmt: String; const Args: array of const);
   Raise EJSONRPC.CreateFmt(Fmt,Args);
+procedure JSONRPCParamError(const Msg: String);
+  raise EJSONRPC.CreateFmt(SErrParams, [Msg]);
+procedure JSONRPCParamError(const Fmt: String; const Args: array of const);
+  raise EJSONRPC.CreateFmt(SErrParams, [Format(Fmt, Args)]);
 { TJSONParamDef }
 procedure TJSONParamDef.SetName(const AValue: TJSONStringType);
@@ -529,13 +551,14 @@ begin
-function TJSONParamDefs.AddParamDef(const AName: TJSONStringType;
AType: TJSONType
-  ): TJSONParamDef;
+function TJSONParamDefs.AddParamDef(const AName: TJSONStringType;
+  AType: TJSONType; ARequired: Boolean): TJSONParamDef;
   Result:=Add as TJSONParamDef;
+    Result.Required:=ARequired;
@@ -626,10 +649,76 @@ end;
 procedure TCustomJSONRPCHandler.DoCheckParams(const Params: TJSONData);
-  If (jroObjectParams in Options) and Not (Params is TJSONobject) then
-    JSONRPCError(SErrParams,[SErrParamsMustBeObject]);
-  If (jroArrayParams in Options) and Not (Params is TJSONArray) then
-    JSONRPCError(SErrParams,[SErrParamsMustBeArray]);
+  if (Params is TJSONObject) then
+  begin
+    if (jroArrayParams in Options) then
+      JSONRPCParamError(SErrParamsMustBeArray);
+    DoCheckParamDefsOnObject(Params as TJSONObject);
+  end else
+  if (Params is TJSONArray) then
+  begin
+    If (jroObjectParams in Options) then
+      JSONRPCParamError(SErrParamsMustBeArray);
+    DoCheckParamArray(Params as TJSONArray);
+  end;
+procedure TCustomJSONRPCHandler.DoCheckParamDefsOnObject(
+  const ParamObject: TJSONObject);
+  def: TJSONParamDef;
+  Param: TJSONData;
+  PropEnum: TJSONEnum;
+  for TCollectionItem(def) in ParamDefs do
+  begin
+    // assert the typecast in for loop
+    Assert(def is TJSONParamDef,'Unexpected ParamDef item class.');
+    Param:=ParamObject.Find(def.Name);
+    // check required parameters
+    if not Assigned(Param) then
+    begin
+      if def.Required then
+        JSONRPCParamError(SErrParamsRequiredParamNotFound,[def.Name])
+      else
+        Continue;
+    end;
+    // jtUnkown accepts all data types
+    if (def.DataType<>jtUnknown) and not (Param.JSONType=def.DataType) then
+  end;
+  // check if additional parameters are given
+  if not (jroIgnoreExtraFields in Options) then
+  begin
+    for PropEnum in ParamObject do
+    begin
+      // only check for name is required other specs are checked before
+      if ParamDefs.FindParamDef(PropEnum.Key)=nil then
+        JSONRPCParamError(SErrParamsNotAllowd,[PropEnum.Key]);
+    end;
+  end;
+procedure TCustomJSONRPCHandler.DoCheckParamArray(const ParamArray:
+  element: TJSONEnum;
+  for element in ParamArray do
+  begin
+    // check object parameters if objects given
+    if (element.Value.JSONType=jtObject) then
+    begin
+      DoCheckParamDefsOnObject(element.Value as TJSONObject);
+    end else
+    // not an object
+    if (jroObjectParams in Options) then
+  end;
 function TCustomJSONRPCHandler.DoExecute(Const Params:
TJSONData;AContext : TJSONRPCCallContext): TJSONData;

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