[fpc-pascal] fpPDF and support of Latin2 charset

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Thu Mar 28 19:21:16 CET 2019

On 28/03/2019 17:39, Bo Berglund wrote:
> The link you provided in your signature gets me to a place where
> versions are displayed and the last one is 1.4.1 from 2015-09-02.
> Is this a final version not in need of any new stuff?

Is software ever "finished".... Nope! :)

I've been a bit lazy making official releases. Instead I've simply been
committing fixes to a stable 'maint' branch which will become v1.4.2 at
some point. Myself and others have also been pretty busy in the
'develop' branch which will become the next v2.0 release. There are tons
of nice improvements in the 'develop' branch - yet still very backwards
compatible with v1.4.1 (bar a few minor API changes, all well documented).

The 'maint' branch is always in a stable state, so a good place to start
with fpGUI if you want. The 'develop' branch is a lot more stable now
than it was 6 months ago, but still things can change and improving.

> And is it a development IDE or a plugin for Lazarus?
> Or something else entirely?

fpGUI is primarily just a GUI toolkit - 100% custom drawn and
cross-platform. It can be used with any text editor or IDE (eg: Lazarus,
MSEide, Geny, FPC's console IDE etc). Because I didn't want to bind
fpGUI to a specific IDE, I implemented some support tools too. Like its
own stand-alone Visual Forms Designer (uidesigner) and DocView (INF help
viewer). There are also plenty of demos and small sample applications -
even a experimental IDE called Maximus, but that is more of a "bigger
demo" than a real IDE. fpGUI also has 12 language translations and 8
built in themes and the precursor PDF and Reporting engine (to what is
now included with FPC).

Saying that, Andrew Haines [I think] started some years ago a Lazarus
widgetset called LCL-fpGUI, so LCL applications can be compiled to use
fpGUI (instead of GTK, Qt etc). I occasionally contribute to it, but
that Lazarus code doesn't see many updates and is a lot more incomplete
than using the fpGUI Toolkit directly.

If you do decide to play around with fpGUI, you are welcome to send any
questions to the "fpgui.support" newsgroup. Details on how to connect
can be found on the website:



fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

My public PGP key:  http://tinyurl.com/graeme-pgp

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