[fpc-pascal] fpPDF and support of Latin2 charset

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 21:02:37 CET 2019

El 19/03/2019 a las 15:00, LacaK escribió:
> It seems that there is problem specific to CourierNew font (cour.ttf).
> With Arial (arial.ttf) it works as expected.
> Attached program which demonstrates problem.


Can you send me by direct mail the pdf result for that program ? I´ll 
try to spot the differences.

The name "CourierNew" while the TTF name is "Courier New" may force a 
typographic fallback to a standard font. PDF font handling is a mess, 
design patch over patch, several ways to render the same glyphs, ... 
It's almost incredible that a program can render successfully any 
document :-)


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