[fpc-pascal] fcl-report demos not working on windows10/64 with win64 compiled - Font Arial not found

Andreas Frieß friess at gmx.at
Fri Dec 27 15:23:25 CET 2019

The reason (with ReadStandardfonts inserted):

D:\data\lazdev\trunk64\fpcsrc\packages\fcl-report\demos>fcldemo -d
jsondata -f pdf
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
1 : Name -> Albania
1 : Population -> 2894000
2 : Name -> Algeria
2 : Population -> 38934000
3 : Name -> Angola
3 : Population -> 24228000
.... some lines skipped .....
155 : Name -> Zambia
155 : Population -> 15721000
156 : Name -> Zimbabwe
156 : Population -> 15246000
Exception at 00000001000631E0: Exception:
fpreport: Could not find the font <Arial> in the font cache.
Heap dump by heaptrc unit of
74069 memory blocks allocated : 101484860/101702272
74069 memory blocks freed     : 101484860/101702272
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 2785280 (320 used in System startup)
True free heap : 2784960

Original (without ReadStandardfonts) = Original

D:\data\lazdev\trunk64\fpcsrc\packages\fcl-report\demos>fcldemo -d
jsondata -f pdf
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
0 : Name -> Afghanistan
0 : Population -> 31628000
Exception at 000000010004C36F: EReportFontNotFound:
Font not found: "Arial".
Heap dump by heaptrc unit of
4894 memory blocks allocated : 1547732/1561920
4894 memory blocks freed     : 1547732/1561920
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 262144 (320 used in System startup)
True free heap : 261824
Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

 > On Fri, 27 Dec 2019, Andreas Frieß wrote:
 > > I have now built the fcl-fpreport demos on win64 on a Windows10/64
 > > machine. But the demo is not running (comandline with -d jsondata -f
 > > pdf), because the font Arial is not found. It looks like the demos
 > > didnt use the gTTFontCache.ReadStandardFonts and so the standard
 > > font is not found.
 > Why do you think Arial is needed ?
 > All demos explicitly use a font, but never Arial. That is why
 > gTTFontCache.ReadStandardFonts should not be necessary.
 > Most demos use the LiberationSans font. Some use DejaVuSans or the
 > Ubuntu font.  You must of course have these fonts installed in your
 > system. The LiberationSans font is included in the fonts subdirectory
 > of the demo dir.
 > So the question is, why does not the demo program find these fonts ?
 > Michael.
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