[fpc-pascal] pas2js Webgl unit committed

Joost van der Sluis joost at cnoc.nl
Wed May 16 22:02:31 CEST 2018

Op 09-05-18 om 03:41 schreef Ryan Joseph:
> Ok it finally worked. The fpmake.pp file athttps://svn.freepascal.org/svn/projects/pas2js/trunk  was totally different than the one in the compiler sources.
> May I suggest you put these instructions at the top level of the wiki? It’s pretty easy but I wasn’t able to build it for literally days and could have easily given up.
> Something like that would have been really helpful:

It took more time then I thought, but finally got it working.

I've added a fppkg-repository for fpc-version 3.0.4 to fpc.cnoc.nl. And 
added a recent version of utils-pas2js. (Which is the actual 
package-name of pas2js)

In principle this means that you can install pas2js with the following 

fppkg install utils-pas2js

Then the pas2js binary will be in ~/.fppkg/bin/pas2js.

There are a few buts, though:
- You need a valid fppkg-configuration
- You need to set in your fppkg.cfg:
- Fppkg wil not automatically update packages, but you need
   updated versions of fcl-web, fcl-js and fcl-passrc. This means
   you have to update them manually:
     fppkg install fcl-js fcl-passrc fcl-web
- Fppkg version 3.0.4 has an irritating bug that it can get into an
   infinite loop. When this happens, kill it (ctrl-c) and run
     fppkg fixbroken
   until it does not happen anymore.

I've only tested it on my own system, so there might be issues but just 
ask, see if I can help.



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